  • 學位論文


Study of modified Si Wu Tang on antioxidation and physiological effect on liver and skin

指導教授 : 王進崑 陳肅霖


中文摘要 四物湯是傳統的中藥之ㄧ,是由當歸、川芎、芍藥和熟地黃四種中藥材組成,在台灣民眾的觀念裏,四物湯是被用來治療婦女病癥。四物湯含有多種有機酸、胺基酸、多醣類、維生素、礦物質及酚類化合物等成分,四物湯被發現具有抗氧化、抗衰老、清除自由基等功效。本研究目的在於了解服用四物湯是否具有效抗氧化性及對肝臟與皮膚生理上變化,包括改善人體血漿抗氧化能力、增加抗氧化酵素活性、護肝及皮膚改善之功效。本試驗共計有55位健康之受測者(男性10人,女性45人)全程參與,分為兩組同步進行,本試驗採隨機雙盲、安慰劑對照暨交叉設計。實驗期間共計十三個月,一組在試驗前半年服用安慰劑,後半年服用靈芝,中間的一個月為wash out period;另一組則是先服用四物湯再服用安慰劑。試驗期間第零、三、六、十及十三個月,需作測量體位、收集血液檢體,且於試驗中第零、六、及十三個月進行腹部超音波檢測和皮膚檢測。 結果顯示,每人每月連續服用六天四物湯,每次飲用120mL(相當於攝取11.71公克多醣體、0.5公克類黃酮化合物及68.4毫克酚類化合物),連續服用六個月後,可以顯著增加受測者體內總抗氧化能力及顯著降低脂質之過氧化反應,顯著提高紅血球中超氧歧化酶、觸酶及麩胱甘肽還原酶等抗氧化酵素之活性。 此外,由腹部超音波檢測的結果也顯示,服用四物湯可改善受測者脂肪肝、膽結石和輕微脾腫大的情況。皮膚檢測的結果可知,服用四物湯後可減少皮膚水分散失,增加皮膚紅潤度及改善皮膚紋理的效果。


Abstract Si Wu Tang is one traditional Chinese medicine, Si Wu Tang is an old formula containing four herbs, radix Angelicae sinensis (Dang Guay) , rhizoma Ligustici chuanxiong (Tsuan Chyong), radix Paeoniae alba (Bai Sau ), and radix Rehmanniae praeparata (Soe Dee Huang), It has been widely used to relieve menstrual discomfort in Taiwan. Si Wu contains a lot of organic acids、amino acids、polysaccharides、 vitamins、minerals and phenolic compounds .Many animal studies indicate that Si Wu Tang has antioxidation and anti-aging effect. This study was modified Si Wu Tang on anti-oxidation and physiological effect on liver and skin, including anti-oxidation ability of plasma, erythrocyte enzyme activities, liver function protection and the improvement on skin condition. This was a randomized, placebo controlled, double blind and cross over design.55 subjects (10 males and 45 females)were completed involved in this study. The total experimental period was thirteen months. One group of subjects took placebo in the first six months and Si Wu Tang in the next six months, one month between this two periods was wash out period. The other group of subjects took Si Wu Tang in the first six months and placebo in the next six months. Anthropometric measure-ements and blood collection were performed at the initial,3rd,6th,10th,13th month of the testing period. Abdominal ultrasound and skin examination were performed at the initial,6th,13th months. Each subject drank 120mL Si Wu Tang (11.71g polysaccharides, 0.5g flavonoid compounds and 68.4mg phenolic compounds) everyday for six days per month.Results showed that six months continuous administration of Si Wu Tang significantly increased total antioxidant capacity and reduced TBARS contents in plasma. The antioxidant enzyme activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase and glutathione reductase (GSH Rd) in erythrocytes was also increased. In addition,the abdominal ultrasound examination showed improvement on fatty liver, gall stone and mild splenomegaly. Increasing skin erythema, decreasing skin surface water loss and reducing skin wrinkles were found by the administration of Si Wu Tang.


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