  • 學位論文


Software Baseband Optimization Except Channel Decoding for PC-Based DVB-T Software Radio Receiver

指導教授 : 曾恕銘


軟體無線電具有靈活性、低成本與多種模式的優勢,但是主要的缺點為處理速度較慢。為了提升以PC為基礎的軟體無線電數位電視廣播接收器的處理速度,我們必須實作出一些更快的基頻訊號處理的演算法,在這篇論文中,我們探討如何實作出更快的 (1)16-QAM 映射到每個位元、(2)擴展通道係數的數值到腓特比解碼器以及(3)內部解交錯器等功能。這三個功能的處理速度比原先快了6.64倍、0.57倍與0.88倍。


The software radio has the advantages of flexibility, low cost and multimode ability, but the major disadvantage is the slower speed. To increase the speed of PC-based software DVB-T receiver, we need implement the baseband signal processing algorithms much faster. In this thesis, we discuss faster implementation of (1) 16QAM de-mapper to bits, (2) expanding_channel coefficient value in Viterbi decoder, and (3) inner de-interleaver and depuncturer. The speed of these three blocks is 6.64x, 0.57x and 0.88x faster.


Software radio DVB-T SIMD


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