  • 學位論文


A Study of Improving PCB Layout by Six Sigma

指導教授 : 林榮禾


因現今市場的競爭不再是價格導向,企業的管理者不能再以過去舊有的規範來評斷產品競爭力。尤其隨著各大企業技術面的進步,相對的製程品質也跟著提升,提升產品開發速度因此成為許多企業所重視的。有良好的品質更需要有速度競爭的能力,產品開發的速度提升,才可以確實的滿足顧客需求。 本研究將進行個案探討分析,應用六標準差的改善手法(DMAIC)及其特性,針對印刷電路板(Print Circuit Board)設計流程改善計畫,藉以提升顧客滿意度、縮短產品開發時間及節省開發成本等。研究結果可有效降低印刷電路板之設計的時間。通過比較項目的全部成本和效益來評估項目價值的一種方法,效益分析作為一種經濟決策方法,將成本費用分析法運用於計劃決策之中,以尋求在決策上如何以最小的成本獲得最大的效益。常用於評估需要量化的事業項目的價值。隨著經濟的發展,投資項目的增多,使得人們日益重視投資,重視項目支出的經濟和效益。這就需要找到一種能夠比較成本與效益關係的分析方法。本研究將改善效益予以量化,作為管理績效的依據,讓研發人員有共同的改善目標與效益計算方式,做為持續改善的依據。


六標準差 印刷電路板 佈局


As market competition becomes global, the importance of quality also becomes highly valued. Enterprise managers could no longer rely on outdated norms to evaluate product quality; they should consider the quality issue and introduce appropriate ways to improve product quality. As enterprises continue to introduce advanced technologies, the demand for higher manufacturing quality also rises. Lowering product defect rate is the top priority for enterprises, since customers can only be sufficiently satisfied with products of quality manufacturing and those with the lowest defect rate. Six Sigma was proposed by Motorola Company in 1987; since then, Motorola Company has made some effective improvements. Similarly, GE also started reformation in 1990, and had achieved tremendous effects. From then on, Six Sigma gained many enterprises’ attention. The introduction of Six Sigma also became an important component in business management. In light of this, this study aims to conduct case study on a Computer company, and investigate how it applies the method of DMAIC to improve its manufacturing quality, as well as how it improves customer satisfaction, lowers the product defection rate and saves the production cost. Results of this study suggest that, the application of DMAIC could significantly minimize the defection rate of Print Circuit Board Layout as well as decrease the variance. It is suggested that, if companies could effectively and consistently employ DMAIC to improve the overall production quality, they could enhance their competitiveness and save unnecessary expenses.


DMAIC Print Circuit Board Layout


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游葦凡(2013)。改善產品資料管理系統之協同設計績效 -以PCB Layout為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300101
