  • 學位論文

改善產品資料管理系統之協同設計績效 -以PCB Layout為例

Improving Performance of Collaborative Design for Product Database Management - The Case of PCB Layout

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


電子產品的開發設計鏈中,印刷電路板佈局對所有的電子產品而言都是不可或缺重要的一環,因此在設計鏈上各部門對協同設計之整合設計需求益顯迫切,都期望達到及早參與,降低產品開發週期中設計變更的頻率,以提升產品的開發效率。然而在產品設計過程中的設計變更,審核與溝通,仍為無法避免且為必要發生的程序,也由於現有的印刷電路板佈局工具無法與產品資料管理系統(Product Data Management, PDM)作有系統的整合,因此,現況印刷電路板佈局的運作模式無法有效的管理產品開發時所產生的資料與減少在產品開發過程中溝通協調的分歧,因此有效整合設計資源與程序,強化設計優勢,已成為重要的課題。 此外,為整合多元設計資訊與適應產品的快速變遷,本研究從現階段印刷電路板佈局的協同設計為著眼點,以實務面角度切入,從根本探討如何表達跨部門產品設計的需求,建構一個完善的支援產品協同開發之程序模式,並將跨領域產品協同開發所需之資訊,經過綜合分析與整合,來協助產品協同設計的過程。以建立印刷電路板佈局的整合設計與流程管理機制。因此,本研究將可降低協同設計參與人員間之背景差異與協同障礙,彌補協同研發專案可能存在的溝通與認知問題,增強組織內部部門與跨組織之間的協調與工作的進行,提升產品開發品質與效能,有效落實協同研發設計之效益。


Printed circuit board layout is essential for all electronic products in the chain of electronic product development and design. Most importantly, all departments of design chain for integrating collaborative design are expected to participate in early process in order to lower the frequency design changes and enhance the efficiency in the product development cycle. Design changes, review and communication is a necessary procedure in the product design process. As the existing printed circuit board layout tools and product data management (PDM) system can not be systematic. Thus there are conflicts in the process of development. How to be effective integration of design resources and procedures, and to strengthen the design advantages, has become an important issue. Furthermore, for the sake of integrating diverse design information, and adapt to the rapidly changing. This study took collaborative design at this stage from the layout of printed circuit board as the focus. From practice simply discuss how to express the needs of cross-department product design and construct a comprehensive support collaborative product development program mode. And interdisciplinary collaborative product development required for the information, after a comprehensive analysis and integration, to assist collaborative product design process. Under the standard to create the integration of the printed circuit board layout design and process management mechanisms. Therefore, this study will be to reduce the background differences and collaboration barriers between the collaborative design participants, solve the potential issues of communication and cognitive in collaborative projects, enhance the coordination and working among internal departments and inter-organization collaboration, strengthen the quality and performance of product development and effective implementation of collaborative R & D benefits.


PDM PCB Layout Collaborative Design


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