  • 學位論文


A Study on the Attitudes towards Lab Safety and Hygiene of Science Teachers of Senior High Schools in Taipei District

指導教授 : 曾淑惠


日益惡化的環境正嚴重地威脅著人類的生存,人們也越來越意識到環境保護的重要性,學生安全衛生態度的養成,教師是關鍵因素之所在。本研究旨在探討臺北地區高中自然科教師對實驗室安全衛生態度的傾向及其差異情形,研究方法採用問卷調查法,以臺北地區88所公私立高中自然科教師為研究對象,統計方法採次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、單一樣本t考驗、獨立樣本t考驗及單因子變異數分析等方式進行資料分析,獲致下列結論: 一、高中自然科教師對實驗室安全衛生態度傾向情形: (一)高中自然科教師對實驗室安全衛生態度在整體與五個態度構面都是正向的。 (二)高中自然科教師對「每學期我會參加3小時以上(含)之危害通識教育訓練」這個題項是呈現負向的態度。 二、不同背景之高中自然科教師對實驗室安全衛生態度差異情形: (一)臺北市自然科教師「對安全衛生設施管理」態度比臺北縣教師正向。 (二)私立學校自然科教師整體態度比公立學校教師正向。 (三)男性自然科教師整體態度比女性教師正向。 (四)大學(校院)學歷自然科教師整體態度比研究所(含40學分班)學歷教師正向。 (五)化學科教師整體態度比物理科教師正向,生物科教師整體態度比化學科教師正向。 (六)教學年資15年以上的自然科教師「對安全衛生及警覺性教育」態度比任教未滿5年教師正向。 (七)有行政經驗的自然科教師「對安全衛生設施管理」態度比無行政經驗教師正向。 (八)有實驗室管理經驗的自然科教師整體態度比無實驗室管理經驗教師正向。 (九)曾發生意外事件的自然科教師「對安全衛生及警覺性教育」態度比未曾發生意外事件教師正向。 最後,本研究依據結論,提出十點建議,以供高中自然科教師、學校及行政機關之參考。


The worse and worse environment has deteriorated, threatening humanity's survival seriously day by day; people were also aware of the importance of the environmental protection. Teachers were the key factors of nurturing students’ safety and hygiene manners. The purpose of this study was to discuss the attitudes towards laboratory safety, hygiene, and its different situations of senior high schools in Taipei district. The questionnaire survey was used for the science teachers who were working in 88 public and private senior high schools. The statistical techniques applied were the number of times assignment, the percentage, the mean value, standard deviation, the one-sample t-test, the independent samples t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The conclusions were as the follows: 1.Senior high science teachers’ attitudes towards laboratory safety and hygiene: (1)Senior high science teachers’ attitudes towards laboratory safety and hygiene were all positive in the whole and five dimentions. (2)Senior high science teachers were presenting the negative direction to this issue which was“I’ll participate in the training of hazardous general knowledge course for more than three hours in each semester.” 2.The situation toward lab safety and hygiene caused by senior high science teachers form different backgrounds: (1)The attitudes of teachers towards “the management of safety and hygiene facilities” in Taipei City were more positive than those in Taipei County. (2)The attitudes of teachers in private senior high schools were more positive than those in public senior high schools in total dimentions of attitude. (3)The attitudes of male teachers were more positive than female teachers in total dimentions of attitude. (4)The attitudes of teachers who have college diplomas were more positive than those who have master’s degrees in total dimentions of attitude. (5)Chemistry teachers were more positive than physics teachers in total dimentions of attitude; biology teachers were more positive than chemistry teachers in total dimentions of attitude. (6)The attitudes of teachers towards “safety-hygiene and education of alertness” who have taught more than fifteen years were more positive than those who have taught less than five years. (7)The attitudes of teachers who had experiences of administration towards “the management of safety and hygiene facilities” were more positive than those who didn’t. (8)The attitudes of teachers who had the management experiences of laboratories were more positive than those who didn’t. (9)The attitudes of teachers who had happened accidents towards “safety-hygiene and education of alertness” were more positive than those who ever didn’t. According to the conclusions, 10 suggestions were proposed for senior high schools, the eductional administrative authority, and science teachers.


