  • 學位論文


The Study on the Impact of Reality Policy on Real Estate Purchasing Factors - The Case of Luxury Tax

指導教授 : 邱垂昱


本研究主旨在找出房地產政策奢侈稅實施後對抑制房價的成效與影響深度,近而對未來房價走勢作出預測本章研究方法採用統計分析法及德菲法二種進行研究探討,希冀藉由收集產、官、學、研究各界資訊匯整及專家學者的意見看法。 在統計分析法部份,發現國泰指數、信義指數、建照核發面積卅件數、使照核發面積卅件數、房屋交易過戶數、契稅資料等對營建股股價指數及房屋工業生產指數均有顯著正向影響。 在德菲法部份,則探討在奢侈稅實施後,對消費者購屋動機之影響因素,瞭解消費者購屋行為重視的原因。共計分為總體環境、購屋負擔能力、房屋特性、賣方特質、家庭成員因素五大構面。共計邀請11位專家進行兩次德菲法分析,研究結果顯示在購屋負擔能力為共識度最高的構面、其次為房屋特性、總體環境。而賣方特質、家庭成員因素則是共識度較低之構面。 其研究主要貢獻,在學術上為提供不動產景氣與房價未來走勢之研究參考及建立消費者購屋動機之影響因素構面,在實務上為可以作為相關業者在衡量消費者在市場上的購屋喜好與時機,以作為行銷策略擬定之參考。


The purpose of this study to find out after the implementation of the luxury tax on real estate policy to curb housing prices effectiveness and impact of depth, using two kinds of statistical analysis and the Delphi method to study the past and future price movements make a prediction in this chapter, in the hopeby collecting production, government, academia, research ideas and views of all sectors of information and experts and scholars. In the statistical analysis part, Cathay Pacific Index, Lutheran index, construction permits issued by area / number of pieces, according to issuance of area / number, the number of housing transactions transfer, deed tax data on construction stocks index and the housing index of industrial production have significant and positive impact. Part of the Delphi method to explore the implementation of the luxury tax on consumer home motivation factors, understanding of attention because of consumer home behavior. The total is divided into the overall environment, housing affordability, housing characteristics, seller characteristics, family members, factors five dimensions. A total of 10 invited experts twice a Delphi method analysis, the findings show the highest degree of consensus in the housing affordability dimensions, followed by housing characteristics, the overall environment. Seller characteristics, members of the family factor is the dimensions of the consensus is low. The research to the main contribution for the provision of academic real estate boom and house prices trend of reference and establish the motive of consumer home-factor dimensions that can be in practice as related businesses in the measure of the housing preferences of consumers in the market contemplated as a marketing strategy and timing reference.


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