  • 學位論文


The study of building mass layout on the effects of urban open space to the wind environment —A case study of SheZi Island

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


臭氧層的破壞,使溫室效應與都市熱島效應的現象日益嚴重,包括氣溫變化劇烈、強降雨、強風、太陽輻射等。都市快速的發展,人口不斷擴增,密集的建築、不透水鋪面、各種人工環境以及車輛所排放出的氣體等,導致氣候變遷、全球暖化越來越明顯。因此,「永續發展」的議題已成為全球所關注之焦點。 目前在傳統分析生態效益方法上,缺乏科學性客觀資料佐證,故本研究藉由Ecotect Analysis生態建築設計軟體,以計算流體力學方法,模擬社子島未來生態都市中建築物配置及通風設計是否符合效益,以擬訂具生態都市觀念的設計準則。 本研究以兩種不同社子島建物配置規則為研究案例,探討設計案中建築量體配置及開放空間所產生的風環境影響,並藉由Ecotect Analysis模擬軟體,分析設計案中不同建築量體配置所產生的環境氣流分布,以檢視都市風環境與建築物之影響。模擬結果顯示,一字型建築量體所圍塑的街道開放空間,整體風場變化大、風速偏高,為短暫停留及穿越空間使用;ㄇ字型建築量體所圍塑出的廣場開放空間,整體風場變化小、風速偏低,較能提供良好的活動場所與舒適的休憩環境。研究結果希冀在邁向生態都市理念同時,可提供政府在規劃設計階段之參考,創造永續生態發展的目標。


The greenhouse effect and urban heat island effect issues have become more seriously because of climate changing, global warming and ozone depleting. The whole countries are concerned about disasters and urban environmental problems. The high crowded building, impervious pavement, all of artificial environment and the fumes through the exhaust lead to urban heat island effect obviously. Therefore the goal will toward sustainable of low-carbon and eco-city in the future. The urban design guideline lacks scientific objective information to proof in the evaluation of ecological benefits. Thus the study from the view of the ecological city and use computational fluid dynamics method to simulate city building mass layout and analysis of urban ventilation design to develop urban design guideline. The wind in the urban will change because of buildings of different height, width, and street block type and surrounded by the building of open space that the quality of the environment will affect the residents' activities and psychological feelings. The case from SheZi Island can provide good activity place and comfortable environment in the three-sided building mass layout surrounded by the building of open space. Thus the study from two design cases of SheZi Islan to investigate the wind environmental impact between building mass layout and open space and use Ecotect Analysis software to analysis environmental air distribution from different cases of building mass layout. The results can provide the Government in the planning and design stage to be referenced.


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