  • 學位論文


Design and Improvement of Real-Time Monitoring System for Biospecimen Storage System with Liquid Nitrogen

指導教授 : 陸元平


隨著生活型態改變及醫學工程進步,近幾年生物科技已經成為全球先進的明星產業之一,尤其是預防醫學的意識崛起更帶動生物試片儲存市場的巨大商機;生物細胞在使用上並沒有相當的立即性,所以長期保存生物細胞的方式,多數是利用超低溫儲存設備在零下196゚C的環境中保持其細胞的活性。目前國內外儲存業者使用超低溫液態氮儲存設備,並搭配上即時監控系統確保儲存系統正常運作。 但是生寶現用監控系統有主要兩個問題:警告時間不準確,造成人員處理狀況不便;簡訊無排序延遲機制,會導致系統容易當機,而失去監控能力。這兩個問題輕則造成液態氮的浪費,嚴重則造成生物細胞死亡,需要補償高額賠償金。 本論文主要的研究目的為開發精確且穩定的即時監控系統,其定位為準確的發出警告,穩定的持續監控,將生物試片損害的風險,以及液態氮的浪費量降低。 經過項目測試以及長時間現場結果顯示:本論文所撰寫的程式,已經改善了舊型系統的諸多缺點,整體系統能達到警告精準、穩定持續監控大幅減少成本及風險。


With the changes in lifestyle in lifestyle and th3 advancement of medical engineering,biotechnology has become one of the world-wide progressive sunrise industries in recent years.Moreover, the awareness of preventive medicine has brought the huge commercial opportunities of biological specimen storage. Presently, long-term preservation of biological cells are mostly using ultra-low temperatture(-196゚C) storage system to maintain cells’ activity since all kinds of these biological cells will not be used immediately. The liquid nitrogen ultra-low temperature storage devices used by world-side biological specimen storage industries and real-time monitoring System However, there are some problems for active real-time monitoring System, that cause biological specimens on die. The company will need to compensate high compensation. The main purpose of this paper is make a real-time monitoring System that can improve shortcoming of active real-time monitoring System. This real-time monitoring System , ccurate warning, stable continuous monitoring, will reduce the amount of waste risk of damage biological specimens, as well as liquid nitrogen.


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