  • 學位論文


The Impact of Carbon Labeling on Consumer’s Purchasing Decision

指導教授 : 胡憲倫




The global warming is becoming worse and worse, the governments have developed a number of measures to deal with the problem of climate change, many countries have a product-oriented policy to reduce energy used and reduce carbon emissions, so carbon label of product will become the main practices to reduce energy used and reduce carbon emissions, expected to guide the people to implement sustainable consumption and production. Although there are many issues related to the carbon labels of products in many countries, but there’re less investigation of carbon labels for consumers. So this study is to investigate the view and acceptance for the carbon label of products in the public befor the policy of carbon label. However, the carbon label is an innovative product concept, this study used the diffusion of innovation to research the consumer awareness and attitudes of carbon label. This study used a questionnaire survey, and the total questionnaires are 1250, but 1219 are valid sample. The results can be found that consumers have a high degree of recognition of the carbon labels, and they thought that the carbon label will promote the awareness of energy-saving and reduce carbon emission. Consumers like simple and easy to understand of carbon label, and the communication channels is more rapid and effective by the media. Consumers are generally considered that the environmentally friendly behavior should start when they’re young, so it is important to provide the carbon label information by the educational system. The different demographic variables will affect the perception and acceptance for the carbon label of products, survey results found that female, merried, older, with children of consumer have a higher degree of awareness and acceptance of carbon label of products.


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謝景峰(2011)。螢光燈具生命週期評估之研究 ─以室內T5燈具為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2011.00057
