  • 學位論文


Discussion on the quality management of the road pipeline of dug and fill

指導教授 : 王隆昌


長久以來管線挖掘一直是影響道路平整的主要因素,尤其早期已開發的城市,大多缺乏共同管道或電纜溝等基礎建設,造成管線挖掘頻繁,難以維持道路長期的平整,致民眾怨聲載道。因此現階段如何建構一套有效可行的管理機制,以促使管線單位申挖後道路回填品質確實達到道路平整的水準,實為當務之急。 本研究首先針對臺北市現行管線挖掘作業之抽查機制進行探討,其中施工中管線查察抽查率及裁處率偏低,抽查缺失之改善缺乏回報機制,並無實質效益。已完成施工之管線申挖案件,係採破壞式檢測,將已完工之路面開挖後抽查瀝青混凝土之厚度、壓實度、管溝回填料之厚度及管線埋設深度等項目,抽驗不合格者除依規定罰處並限期改善,因抽挖所支付成本高,理應對廠商有嚇阻作用,惟因抽查率極低,廠商多認抽中機率不高,故抽查不合格率並未下降,透過現況問題的分析,檢討其適宜性。 依據現況問題分析結果,引用防弊理論及載明博士預防品管的觀點,建構改良式抽查機制,提出建立管線單位及施工廠商績效管理檔案、停檢點抽查作業、二階段抽查作業及落實專業人員的職責等改良機制,並結合專家訪談及回饋分析方法,研擬一套具體可行的改良式道路管線挖填品質管理機制。


Pipe mining has been the major factors affecting road flat for a long time, especially early development of cities, most of them lack of common infrastructure such as pipes or trenches, pipeline caused mining frequent, difficult to maintain long-term flat road, caused people's grievances. How to build an effective management mechanism at the present stage to promote pipeline unit after apply for dug road backfill quality does reach the flat level of the road, it is a matter of urgency. The study for Taipei first mining job to explore sampling mechanism of existing pipelines, pipeline inspection during construction of low sampling rate and the rate of the Tribunal, the lack of checks of lack of return mechanism, there is no real benefit. Has completed the construction of pipeline apply for dug cases, Department mining damage type detection, will has completed of pavement excavation after checks asphalt concrete of thickness, and pressure real of, and trench backfill material of thickness and the pipeline laid depth, project, sampling not qualified who except according to provisions penalty Department and deadline improve, because pumping dug by paid cost high, ought to on manufacturers has scare resistance role, but because checks rate very low, manufacturers more recognition pumping in the chances not high, so checks not rate does not decline, through status problem of analysis, review its suitable sexual. Pursuant to status problem analysis results, reference prevention theory and the contains Dr. Deming preventive quality management theory of views, construction improved type checks mechanism, made established pipeline units and the construction manufacturers performance management archives, and inspection hold point Sampling operation, and II stage checks job and the implementation professionals of duties, improved mechanism, and combination of expert interview and the feedback analysis method, inquiry intends a specific feasible of improved type road pipeline dug fill quality management mechanism.


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