  • 學位論文


A study on Indoor Air Quality improvement and Exposure Health Effects-in Electronics industry offices

指導教授 : 曾昭衡


電子產業為我國重要經濟發展之基礎,但多數電子廠房辦公區域為有效節約能源,限制空調換氣次數,加上工廠本身或廠區週圍的固定污染源污染,反而衍生出危害人體健康的問題,為了進一步了解電子廠廠辦合一辦公區的空氣品質現況,本研究以中部兩家電子公司4所辦公室為例,進行空氣污染物濃度測定,藉以說明辦公室空氣污染物現況及污染物特性,配合甲醛(HCOH)之致癌風險評估及以空氣資源整合健康效應模型(Air Resources Co-Benefits Model, ARCoB)評估一氧化碳(CO)、懸浮微粒(PM10)、臭氣(O3)之非致癌健康效應,以量化辦公室員工因室內空氣污染對人體健康的危害程度。 研究結果顯示,4所辦公室主要空氣污染物為甲醛(HCOH)、總揮發性有機物(TVOC)、二氧化碳(CO2)等3項,尤其是以甲醛(HCOH)最為嚴重,4所辦公室平均值為0.1 ppm-1 hr,高於中華民國室內空氣品質標準值(草案)第二類規範0.08 ppm-1 hr。 甲醛致癌風險評估結果顯示,4所辦公室平均風險值為1.52*10-5超出可接受風險值10-6約15.2倍,顯示甲醛濃度已對辦公室員工健康造成了危害。以辦公室C基準,依其工作形態不同,發現長時間處於作業廠房內的作業員,其風險值為3.95*10-5,已超出可接受風險值10-6 的39.5倍。 非致癌風險評估結果顯示,以空氣品質最差的辦公室C為基準,辦公室A較辦公室C,其終生平均壽命增加403.56 天/人-終生、每年醫療支出減少117.66 元/年-人 ; 辦公室B較辦公室C,其終生平均壽命增加419.62 天/人-終生、每年醫療支出減少 130.84元/年-人 ; 辦公室D較辦公室C,其終生平均壽命增加121.94 天/人-終、每年醫療支出減少 79.12元/年-人。辦公室C實施改善措施後,較改善前終生平均壽命增加222.92 天/人-終生、醫療支出減少52.71 元/年-人,其中又以 CO 的改善健康效應最為顯著,但增加引進外氣後,雖CO大幅下降,但引進室外之O3亦造成負面健康效應。


Electronic industry is the important basis of Taiwan’s economic development. However, in order to efficiently save energy, the office areas of most electronic workshops limit the ventilation frequency of the air conditioning, coupled with the pollution of stationary sources in the workshop itself or around it, deriving problems endangering people’s health. In order to further understand the current situation of air quality in the office areas of electronic workshops, this study takes 4 offices of two electronic companies in the central region as the examples to measure the concentration of air pollutants which reveals the current situation of air pollution in offices and the characteristics of pollutants, and together with the methods of carcinogenic risk assessment and air resources co-benefits model (ARCoB), this study conducts a quantitative study on the entent of danger of indoor air pollution on human health. The study results show that the major air pollutants in the four offices are 03、CO2、HCOH, especially serious for HCOH (formaldehyde). The average concentration rate of the four offices is 1.0 ppm, which is higher than second-class norms of standards value (0.08 ppm-1 hr) set by the Environmental Protection Administration. The major reasons include the decoration materials containing HCOH (formaldehyde) and poor office ventilation. The results of formaldehyde carcinogenic risk assessment show that the average risk value of four offices is 1.52 * 10-5 , about 15.2 times higher than the acceptable risk value of 10-6, which show that the concentration of formaldehyde has caused harms to the office employees’ health. Taking office C as the benchmark, according to the different patterns of work, it shows that the risk value of operators in workshops for a long time is 3.95*10-5, 39.5 times as the acceptable risk value of 10-6, which is mainly caused by the use of adhesive during the process of production. According to the non-carcinogenic risk assessment, with office C as the benchmark, the average life of the staff in office A increases by 403.56 days (/person-life) and the medical care expenditures reduce by ﹩117.66 (/year-person); the average life of the staff in office B increases by 419.62 days (/person-life) and the medical care expenditures reduce by ﹩130.84 (/year-person); the average life of the staff in office D increases by 121.94 days (/person-life) and the medical care expenditures reduce by ﹩79.12 (/year-person). After office C taking improvement measures, the average life becomes 222.92 days(/person-life) more than that before improvement and the medical care expenditure reduces by ﹩52.71 (/year-person). Among the improvements, the improvement effect of CO is most effective for the increase of average life and the reduction of medical care expenditures. However, O3 in the air outside results in the reduction of average life and increase in annual medical care expenditure.


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