  • 學位論文


The Study of IAQ and the Effect of Dilution with Ventilation

指導教授 : 柯明村


根據統計,人們在一生中將會有90%的時間處於居家住宅、辦公室等的室內環境,因此受室內空氣污染物影響的機率比室外高出許多,所以室內空氣污染物被認為是危害人體建康的主要來源。此外,現代建築大量採用的人工建材、室內裝潢以及室內陳設型態所造成之污染,均可引致許多新的室內空氣污染源,對人體健康造成不同層面的影響;長期下來的結果,由於室內空氣品質不佳,容易造成如病態大樓症候群(Sick Building Syndrome)以及各種建築相關疾病(Building Related Illness,BRI)。有鑒於此,行政院環境保護署基於改善及維護室內空氣品質,維護國民健康及生活環境為目的,訂定之『室內空氣品質建議值』。就整體層面而言,除建立以健康為基礎之空氣品質標準外,另需就影響室內空氣品質不良的主要原因,提出相對應之管制及規範。因此,本研究針對國內外相關法令規範、通風換氣評估以及台灣室內空氣品質現況等議題蒐集相關文獻並研析。 根據1984年WHO之定義,認為健康就是「身體、精神和社會都處於良好的狀態」;故本研究以「健康性」為切入點,運用計算流體力學對室內氣流組織進行數值模擬分析,透過連續、動量、能量方程以及濃度擴散方程,解析得到室內各個位置的風速、溫度、污染物濃度和空氣齡等參數,並試圖分析新風量對室內揮發性有機化合物-“苯”濃度的影響。


According to the definition of WHO in 1984, health means a person who has a good condition physically, spiritually and socially. That is to say, if a person is healthy, s/he feels good wholly.People spend approximately 80% of their time in indoor environments such as residences, public buildings, and office. The indoor levels of air pollutants can be several hundred times higher than that of outdoors. Indoor air pollution in working places is widely recognized as one of the most serious potential environment risks to human health. It is the reason why that indoor air quality has become a critical problem and a filed for lifelong study. The administration of indoor air quality has certain necessary factors, includes, establishing the standard of air quality based on our health, and the control and regulation used to solve the problem of bad indoor air quality. This study works on the international and national rules, the evaluation of ventilation rate and the indoor air quality of Taiwan. In ventilated interior environments of buildings, the determination of air-flow velocities, temperatures and concentrations of pollutants is required to evaluate comfort conditions and indoor air quality. This determination can be performed with computational fluid dynamics(CFD)methods. This paper focuses on both thermal comfort and indoor air quality. The thermal comfort parameters include airflow pattern, temperature distribution, predicted mean vote(PMV), predicted percentage dissatisfied(PPD), and. The indoor air quality is determined by investigating the mean age of air, and the levels of volatile organic compounds, namely benzene.


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【2】Heinsohn, Robert Jenings., Cimbala, John M., “Indoor Air Quality Engineering”, New York : Basel : Marcel Dekker, pp.346-347, 2003
【8】Spengler, J.D., K.Sexton, “Indoor Air Pollution:A public health perspective”, Science Vol.121, pp.9-17, 1983


金宏一(2010)。應用空氣監測及擴散模式評估室外空氣污染物滲入室內導致居民 平均壽命與醫療支出增減〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2010.00363
