  • 學位論文

眷村文化保存與再利用之研究 - 以信義公民會館暨文化公園(四四南村)為例

The Preservation and Reuse of Military Dependents' Village - A Case Study of Xinyi Public Assembly Hall

指導教授 : 宋立垚


眷村是臺灣社會因特殊歷史環境下多種文化的綜合體,承載了許多人的成長記憶與生命經驗,並衍生獨特的眷村文化,為臺灣重要的文化資產。民國85年公告實施「國軍老舊眷村改建條例」,全臺各地眷村面臨重大改變,在此計畫下眷村的文化空間即將全面消失。有鑑於此,各地眷村文化工作者急於推動眷村文化空間之保存與研究。在各方人士的努力之下,立法院三讀通過將文化保存相關內容納入眷村改建條例,為眷村文化空間保存再度開啟一條生路。民國98年發布的「國軍老舊眷村文化保存選擇及審核辦法」,更是有助各縣市政府落實眷村文化保存工作。信義公民會館暨文化公園(四四南村)身為臺北市第一個眷村,且在維護管理上已有一套制度及實施成果,在眷村文化愈來愈受重視的今日,其保存之成果有進行評量與檢討之必要。 因此,本研究旨在分析四四南村眷村文化保存再利用成果,是否符合文化保存之目的進行探討,以問卷方式瞭解遊客對於四四南村保存與再利用成果之認同度,並以訪談的方式,彙整熟悉眷村保存議題的相關人士與專家之看法。將研究成果加以歸納,並提出四四南村之文化保存方式與再利用所產生的缺失,進而研擬適當改善建議,以提供相關單位在眷村保存與再利用規劃上之參考。本研究建議四四南村應釐清保存目標與自身的文化元素特徵,建立各專業領域與在地居民的合作機制,以多元的機能、活動與宣傳等方式,彰顯四四南村眷村文化之價值,並透過評估審核機制使眷村文化保存得以永續經營,並將眷村文化繼續延續。


The Military Dependents' Village is a complex in Taiwan's society in accordance with the different cultures and the special history. It contains people's growing memories and lifes and also gives rise to the unique culture of Military Dependents' Village, which is a important cultural heritage. In 1996, the governmant implements the "Act for Rebuilding Old Quarters for Military Dependents", all the Military Dependents' Villages in Taiwan were forced to change. Because of this plan, many Military Dependents' Village will soon be gone. Therefore, Military Dependents' Village cultural workers were anxious to preserve and reuse the Military Dependents' Villages. Under the joint efforts of the culture workers, the spirits in culture of Military Dependents' Villages to be considered as Act for Rebuilding Old Quarters for Military Dependents passed by the Legislative Yuan. It gave a new way to the preservation and reuse of the Military Dependents' Villages. In 2009, the implementation of“The way of choosing and examining the conservation of the old military dependent villages” can help local governments to preserve the Military Dependents' Village. As the first Military Dependents' Village in Taipei, Xinyi Public AssemblyHall(Si-Si Nan Cun) has have a system of management and maintenance and it did work. Based on the fact that we place great importance on culture of Military Dependents' Villages, we also need to reflect on these implementation plans and related achievements. Consequently, in this paper we tired to analyse whether the preservation and reuse of Xinyi Public AssemblyHall(Si-Si Nan Cun) is on the right course . By Using questionnaires to survey tourists’ acceptance of the achievements of the preservation and reuse of Xinyi Public Assembly Hall(Si-Si Nan Cun). And also by interviewing the people involved in this subject and the experts to analyzed the achievements of the preservation and reuse of Xinyi Public Assembly Hall(Si-Si Nan Cun)to some conclusions so that we can provide the suggestions to relevant units. This paper suggests that Xinyi Public Assembly Hall(Si-Si Nan Cun) should map out strategies for meeting goals and preserve the uniqueness. Establishing the communications between all range of professional fields and local population and use multiple ways to demonstrate the value of Si-Si Nan Cun's culture of Military Dependents' Village. Ultimately, by the system of the evaluation makes culture of Military Dependents' Village be everlasting.


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