  • 學位論文


A Study of the demand on Handset Television service

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


隨著行動語音業務的飽和與市場價格競爭,客戶每月平均貢獻值(Average Revenue Per User,ARPU)逐年降低,致使非語音的服務受到營運業者的重視;近年來,由於數位科技的快速發展與服務模式的創新,手機的應用服務漸漸從扮演溝通的媒介,轉為豐富生活色彩的個人化裝置,「手機電視」更被視為手機的殺手級應用(Killer Application)。因此,本研究計畫將從使用者的觀點出發,探索一般社會大眾未來使用手機收看電視服務的需求性,以及對手機電視服務採用因素的看法。 本研究利用網路問卷調查法進行樣本資料蒐集,首先,本研究將問卷編寫成網路問卷,並透過問卷調查專業服務網站,藉由簡易的Web介面,採超連結的方式獲得樣本資料。在研究對象上,以台灣地區行動電話使用者為調查對象,自2008年3月20日起至2008年4月23日止,問卷共計回收366份,經剔除未曾使用行動電話不符的問卷,以及部分個人填寫問卷選項趨一致者的不符問卷等,實得有效問卷343份,並以統計方法進行分析。 本研究主要研究結論如下: 一、消費者選購手機收看電視主要考慮因素為「螢幕大小/解析度」、「價格」、「電池續航力」,手機的期望價格為「5001元-11000元」。 二、消費者使用手機收看電視的計費機制偏好按「月(包月制)」與「次(特別節目)」計費。 三、消費者使用手機收看電視的主要時機為「消磨空閒時間時」、「上班/上課通勤時」與「排隊購票或購物時」。 四、消費者使用手機收看電視的的主要時段為「晚上6 點-8點」、「中午12 點-晚上6 點」與「晚上8 點-12點」。 五、消費者使用手機收看電視的主要地點為「運輸交通工具上」、「候車室或站牌處」與「咖啡廳、餐廳、速食店」。 六、消費者使用手機收看電視時主要節目內容需求為「新聞與氣象節目」、「即時資訊節目」、「電影節目」、「音樂節目」、「財經/股市節目」。 七、消費者使用手機收看電視時主要系統服務因素需求為「電視訊號的畫質與穩定性」、「計費機制與費率高低」與「打開想收看節目的速度」。


Along with the mobile pronunciation service saturated with the market price competition, the customer each monthly mean contribution value(Average Revenue Per User, ARPU) year by year reduces, causes the non-pronunciation the service to be valued transport business industry; In recent years, as a result of several technical fast development and the service pattern innovation, the handset application service gradually from the acting communication medium, transferred the rich life color personally to melt the installment, "the Handset Television" is regarded as the mobile Killer Application. Therefore, this research plan will embark from user's viewpoint, the exploration common society populace future will use the handset to watch the television service the demand, as well as the match machine television service will use the factor the view. This research carries on the sample material material collection using the network questionnaire survey law, first, this research asked the volume compiles the network to ask the volume, and the penetration questionnaire survey professional service website, the affiliation lies between the surface by simple Web, picks the ultra linked way to obtain the sample material. On the research object, take the Taiwan area mobile phone user as the investigation object, gets up from March 20, 2008 to April 23, 2008 stops, asked the volume total 366, after rejects not uses the mobile phone symbol not to ask the volume, as well as partial personally fills in asked the volume option hastens consistency and so on, is much more solid asked volume 343, and the statistical method carries on the analysis. The conclusions are listed as follows: 1.The expense selects and purchases the handset to watch the television main consideration factor is "screen size/analysis", "the price", "the battery endurance", the handset expectation price is "$5,001 -$11000 Yuan". 2.The consumer uses the handset to watch the television to cost the mechanism to press "the month (to hire by the month " and "(special program)" costs. 3.The consumer uses the handset to watch the television the main opportunity is "wears down when idle time", "goes to work/attends class full time when" and "lines up buys tickets or time the shopping". 4.The consumer uses the handset watches the television the main time interval is "evening 6. -8", "the noon 12. - evenings 6." and "evening 8. -12". 5.The consumer uses the handset to watch the television the main place is "on the transportation transportation vehicle", "the waiting room or the station sign place" and "the cafe, the dining room, the fast food shop". 6.The consumer uses the handset watches when the television the main program content demand is "the news and the meteorological program", "the immediate information program", "the movie program", "the music program", " Finance and economics/stock market program ". 7.The consumer uses the handset watches when the television the main system service factor demand is "the television signal picture nature and the stability", "costs the mechanism and the tariff height" and "opens wants to watch the program the speed".


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