  • 學位論文

ISO 14062應用於資訊產品綠色設計研發流程之研究 – 以某電子公司為例

ISO 14062 Applied for Eco-design of ICT products – A Case Study of A Taiwanese Electronics Company

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


歐盟RoHS/ErP/WEEE/REACH指令及相關規範是電機電子產業現階段所面臨到最重要的挑戰,隨著綠色採購、綠色消費時代的來臨,環保、綠色及永續已成為相關製造產業不可或缺之要項。在此企業綠色革命的風潮引領下,綠色產品也勢必將成為企業最主要的經營方針之一,若提早掌握此一急速興起的綠色浪潮,將環保壓力轉化為企業競爭的優勢,將坐享無限的綠色商機。企業對於產品的「綠色要求」及「綠色設計」的導入已如火如荼的展開中,企業需以「綠色產品設計」為產品主要研發核心,在競爭激烈的全球化時代,企業必須不斷創新以滿足客戶需求,同時提昇產品競爭能力。企業需要從產品設計階段初期便開始進行綠色產品管理,有系統性地將環境考量因素,整合至產品設計與開發過程,找出可能的環境問題並加以改進,減低產品對環境可能產生的衝擊、減少環境成本,最後使企業的經營成本降低,並且提升企業的綠色技術創新能力來強化市場的競爭優勢與機會。當然,此舉也造成研發作業的困擾與設計的複雜性。 本研究目的旨在協助個案公司因應全球綠色環保要求,研究內容首先整理與電子業相關的國際環保法規、綠色設計相關作法/策略以及分析ISO 14062方法論,另針對個案公司本身作一說明,並對個案公司導入既有之新產品研發設計程序的現況進行了解與分析,深入探討其現況問題,接著實際為個案公司建立綠色產品設計機制以確立其作業程序,最後並利用與專案團隊成員訪談之實證方式評估其所規劃之綠色產品設計流程是否可行。透過技術整合、顧客整合、公司內部流程整合在綠色新產品發展的各個階段(產品概念發展階段、產品開發階段、產品上市階段、產品終期階段),試圖為企業建立一套以ISO 14062為導入方法論之完善且合適的綠色產品設計研發機制,透過該機制有效地運用在於綠色產品設計研發上,以達到產品環境化設計為目的。最後,以個案公司之產品設計經理與研發設計人員做為訪談對象,進行專家訪談與導入實證,藉由專家之專業知識與在實務上豐富的經驗,修正此綠色產品研發流程以符合個案公司的情勢,驗證綠色產品設計研發機制之運作現況,並提出一套具備客觀及合理性之建議。以提昇產品技術創新,並符合現今綠色環保要求之趨勢。 本研究發現此綠色設計研發流程系統的導入對於個案公司新產品的開發產生改善公司內部與外部的溝通、提升組織的形象與品牌、符合或超越消費者的期望 、降低法規風險、減少環境衝擊、刺激創新及創造力、降低生產成本、研發時程的縮短。


European Union RoHS/ErP/WEEE/REACH directives and correlative regulations are the most significant challenges that electrics and electronic industries currently face. As the age of green procurement and green marketing approaches, initiatives relating to the environment, greening and sustainability have already been necessary elements. Hence, this study tries to establish a complete and proper green design development mechanism by technique integration, customer integration, company internal procedure integration at each stage of new green product development. And it was was found ISO 14062 is a good management tool for this purpose. The main purpose of this study is to assist a case company to intergate ISO 14062 in meeting worldwide green environmental laws and requirements. First, literatures related to international electronics environmental laws and regulations, green design actions, policies, as well as the methodology of ISO 14062 were reviewed. Then, the current situation and procedures for product design and development and integrating new and green products were dicussed in depth. Lastly, the feasibility of integrating ISO 14062 for the green product design procedures was reviewed by the experts from the case company. Based on the results from the case study, the ISO 14062 system of green design development procedure was integrated into the existing system and it brings more benefits for businesses, such as improving companies’ internal and external communication, enhancing organization images and brands, meeting or exceeding customer expectations, lessening regulation risks, diminishing environmental impacts, stimulating innovation and creativity, reducing production costs and shortening the development schedules.


2. British Standards Institute, PD ISO/TR 14062:2002, Environmental management — Integrating environmental aspects into product design and development, London: ISBN 0 580 40711 X, 2002, p. v.
18. ISO 14062: Environmental management -- Integrating environmental aspects into product design and development
37. Directive 2002/95/EEC, “RoHS, The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment”, 2002.
38. Directive 2011/95/EU, “RoHS, The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (recast)”, 2011
10. 林家任,杜瑞澤,ISO14000 環境管理系統標準觀點探討綠色產品永續設計, 2004


