  • 學位論文


Applying Cooperative Learning to English Reading and Writing in the Applied Foreign Language Department of a Vocational High School: An Action Research

指導教授 : 曾淑惠


本研究主要經由教學現場中合作學習法的實踐,探究高職應用外語科英語閱讀與寫作之實施歷程及成效。研究目的有四:一、探討合作學習法運用於應用外語科英語閱讀與寫作的學習成效。二、了解學生對合作學習運用於應用外語科英語閱讀與寫作中的感受。三、歸納合作學習過程中所遇到的困難及能採用之可行策略。四、透過合作學習法運用於高職應用外語科英語閱讀與寫作之行動研究,提升研究者之專業成長。 為達成上述研究目的,本研究採用行動研究,以研究者任教之班級學生為研究對象,採取學習成就測驗、問卷、課堂觀察與錄影、訪談、文件分析,及省思札記六種方式在教學過程中蒐集資料,進行資料內容的分析及三角檢證,研究結論如下: 一、學生在合作學習運用於應用外語科英語閱讀與寫作的學習成效方面,學生的學習動機與態度無改變。但學生閱讀與寫作的學習成就有顯著提升。 二、從學生的各式回饋、學習單、及開放式問卷中,歸納出學生的感受有:學生對於合作學習運用於應用外語科英語閱讀與寫作中,持正面態度,認為較能維持專注力外,亦有較多練習寫作的機會。第二,學生對自己在分組工作中之表現感到滿意,且希望分組座位的安排能更妥善。第三,學生仍覺得傳統文法翻譯法,對於學校大型定期考試的準備較有幫助。 三、合作學習過程中所遇到的困難,能採用之可行解決方式有:(一)配合教學時數,彈性調整合作學習教學方式與學生合作學習活動進行時間。(二)對於活動產生的噪音,可以小組榮譽競賽制,約束學生行為。(三)學生異質合作學習小組,宜依照學生意願,彈性安排。 四、研究者的省思與成長有:(一) 學生小組的安排,應留心關照學生感受。(二) 寫作作業的擇定,重質不重量。(三) 突破研究者教學上的迷思。(四) 體認協同教學者的重要。(五) 合作學習活動經驗的學習與累積。 根據研究結果,本研究分別在教師實施合作學習於高職應用外語科英語閱讀與寫作與後續研究兩方面提出建議,作為實務應用與後續研究之參考。


This research aims to explore the process and influence of cooperative learning implemented in vocational high school English reading and writing instruction mainly through the practice of a structured design deriving from cooperative learning method. The purposes of this research are as follows: 1. to learn the learning outcomes of the cooperative learning in English reading and writing instruction in an applied foreign language department in a vocational high school. 2. to know students’ feelings about English reading and writing instruction deriving from cooperative learning. 3. to find out and analyze the difficulties during the process and the solutions to them. 4. to improve the researcher’s professional development by conducting action research on cooperative learning. The approach of this study is action research, and the research target is the students that the researcher is teaching. The six methods included are learning achievement examinations, survey, classroom observation and videotaping, interview, document analysis and the researcher’s reflective notes ---in order to collect the data, make analyses and triangulation. Following are the conclusions: 1. Students’ learning attitude and motivation do not change. But students’ performance on TOEIC improve. 2. From students’ feedback and worksheets, what students think about the application of cooperative learning are as follows: (1) students show positive attitude toward cooperative learning. They think they have more opportunities of writing. (2) Students are quite satisfied with their performance and hope the arrangement of seats for cooperative learning can be better. (3) They still think Grammar Translation Method is more helpful when they need to get prepared for mid-term and final exams. 3. The difficulties during the process and the solutions to them are: (1) to adjust the teaching steps and the time needed in cooperative learning in order to follow the school schedule. (2) to apply the point-accumulation system in order to lower students’ noise in cooperative learning activities. (3) to allow students to form their groups partially on the basis of their desire. 4. The reflection and professional development of the researcher after this study are as follows: (1) Students’ feelings should be taken into account when teachers arrange the grouping. (2) The quality of writing assignments is more important than the quantity of it. (3) The study dispels the researcher’s myth about teaching. (4) The researcher realizes the importance of coordinators. (5) The researcher is more experienced of applying cooperative learning to reading and writing instruction after this study. According to the conclusions, the researcher gives some suggestions on the application of cooperative learning and further studies.


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