  • 學位論文


A Study of the Demand-side Management Strategies for Power Supply in Taiwan

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


「電力」是現代人日常生活中不可或缺的必要條件。由於經濟的快速發展,臺灣地區對於電力的需求日益增加,導致近年來整體供電系統的備載容量多處於偏低狀態,若提高發電量將造成更多的資源消耗及環境污染問題,故應朝提昇使用效率,減少新的電力供給開發,以邁向電力永續發展。為有效地利用電力,目前許多國家正積極推動需求面管理(Demand-side Management, DSM),以為因應。國外需求面管理計畫成效,主要包含能源效率與負載管理。 反觀臺灣需求面管理計畫,主要是針對負載管理的可停電力,因此,我國未來發展需求面管理計畫,應加強節約能源與能源效率方面的計畫。如此一來,需求面(電力用戶)可減少財務支出,而供給面(電力提供者)可節省開發新電力來源之成本,因而獲致雙贏的結果。首先藉由廣泛的文獻回顧與蒐集初擬執行策略架構並進行兩階段問卷。首先,透過第一階段之模糊德爾菲(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM)專家問卷,建立具有「技術」、「經濟」、「行政」「宣導」四大原則層面之架構,篩選出13項適用於我國電力需求面執行策略架構。其次進行第二階段問卷調查,以模糊分析層級程序法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, FAHP)確認準則間之權重值。研究結果顯示,專家學者認為前五項最重要分別為:「智慧型電錶與數位服務」(0.168)、「整體資源規劃」(0.118)、「時間電價」(0.111)、「免稅與誘因激勵」(0.111)及「透過能源服務公司推廣」(0.084)。由此可知國內專家學者認為技術及經濟層面,在執行需求面管理中具有一定的影響性,可透過適當誘因與管制措施及補貼措施,協助於永續能源之使用與發展。期望本研究以能規劃出適合臺灣電力需求面管理計畫及實施策略。


Electricity is indispensable to the modern life. Due to the rapid economic development, the electricity demand of Taiwan has been increasing year by year, which resulted in a constantly low reserve margin of electrical generation. Once increase the generation of electricity whenever needed, it would cause more resource consumption and environmental impact. In order to reduce the demand of new electricity and to achieve the goal of sustainable electricity, it is necessary to improve the energy efficiency. In light of this, many countries implement Demand-Side Management (DSM) program. DSM includes energy efficiency and loading management. DSM has been an effective means to capture zero-emission energy resources while satisfying the increased demand for electric power and reducing the need for new generation capacity and improve the energy efficiency, realize the saving of electricity and electric consumption, improve and protect the environment, and realize the efficient allocation of the electric power resource. The effective implement of power demand side management can alleviate greatly the shortage of power supply in these days, and it is necessary for sustainable development of economy. However, the DSM program in Taiwan mainly focuses on loading management, which limits its function on saving energy. Hence, the DSM program in Taiwan should switch to energy saving and raise efficiency in the future for creating a win-win situation, i.e. demand side (electric users) can reduce the financial expenditure, and supply side (electric provider) can avoid costs of developing new electric sources.An extensive literature has been conducted and a two-stage questionnaire was developed. In the first stage, the questionnaire was mailed to experts and the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) was applied to confirm the DSM framework which includes 13 indicators. In the second stage, the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) was adopted to determine the weightings of different evaluation principles and criteria. The results indicated that the most important 5 indicators are “smart meters and digital services” (0.168), “Integrated Resource Planning” (0.118), “time of use rate” (0.111), “tax exemption and incentives” (0.111), and “promoting through energy service companies (ESCOs)” (0.084). The results also show that demand-side management, through appropriate incentives and regulatory measures, will have certain influence on the use and development of sustainable energy. It is hoped that this study will provide some insight for Taiwan Power Company to implement the most suitable DSM programs in the future.


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