  • 學位論文


The Research of Wind Environmental impact in Hakka Tulou as a view of Ecological Architecture - A case study of Eryi Building in Fujian Hua An

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


科技的進步,導致人類對於能源過度依賴,造成全球氣候變遷,嚴重破壞人類的居住環境,尤其以都市熱島效應更為顯著。研究顯示,過度的能源消耗與環境惡化,逐漸突顯生態設計對環境的重要性。其中,都市規劃與建築設計可利用風的流動帶走都市中的熱氣,有效改善風環境並降低都市熱島效應。因此,如何藉由風環境之改善因應氣候變遷對環境造成的衝擊,是值得關注之議題。 傳統民居利用因地制宜與就地取材手法,與環境和諧共生,創造舒適宜人的居住環境,符合生態建築設計原則。傳統民居之一的客家土樓擁有豐富的歷史背景、人文環境及特殊建築造型,不但獲頒為世界文化遺產,更因為與環境和諧共生而被喻為生態建築之代表。客家土樓的設計手法與風環境有密切之關係,藉由實務性現地實測及科學性數值模擬分析,以檢視客家土樓是否符合生態建築。 本研究以福建省規模最大的華安縣二宜樓為實測與模擬對象,透過蒐集生態建築相關文獻整理出生態建築影響風環境之評估觀點,並實際量測二宜樓內外空間的風速、溫濕度以及生土牆表面的隔熱性能,運用Ecotect Analysis模擬軟體解析二宜樓內外部環境風場及風環境舒適度。以生態建築風環境評估觀點,配合現地實測與數值模擬,驗證客家土樓的生態設計手法,了解客家土樓的生態建築內涵,希冀作為未來生態建築設計之參考依據。


As the advances of technology, it led to excessive dependence on people for energies, causing global climate change and severe destruction of the environment people are living, especially the urban heat island effect is more obvious. The research shows that excessive energy consumption and environmental degradation gradually highlight the importance of eco-design for the environment. Among them, urban planning and architectural design can use the wind flow then take away the heat in the city. It improved the wind environment and lowered the heat island effect. Therefore, how to improve the impact of climate changes by wind environment is an issue that worthy to be attention. Local conditions and make the best use of traditional houses practices in harmony with the environment, creating a comfortable and pleasant living environment, in line with ecological architecture design principles. One of the traditional houses is Hakka Tulou, which has a rich historical background, cultural environment and special architectural modleing. It not only awarded for the world cultural heritage, and because it in harmony with the environment so it also been hailed as the representative of eco-architecture. The designing solution of Hakka Tulou has close connection of wind environment, by practical measurement and simulation analysis, to view whether the Hakka Tulou meets eco-architecture or ot. In this study, Eryi Building is in the Hua An County in Fujian, to be the measurement and simulation object. By collecting eco-architecture literature to sort out the assessment viewpoints of how eco-architecture influence the wind environment, and measure the wind speed inside and outside the Eryi Building, temperature and humidity, and the surface of the raw wall insulation. Use Ecotect Analysis Simulation Software to analyze the internal and external environment of the Eryi Building, and the comfort of wind environment. The assessment perspective of eco-architecture wind environment, coordinate with practical measurement, and numerical simulation to verify the solution of eco-architecture and to realize the eco-architecture connotation of Hakka Tulou. It hoped to be the reference of eco- architecture design in the future.


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