  • 學位論文


Furniture Structure design and Application of Corrugated Paper

指導教授 : 陳殿禮


家具是結合實用與設計的工業產品之一,也是人類生活中不可或缺之器具。近幾年來,全球在溫室效應影響下,引起產品製造者、設計師及消費使用者對於環境保護及永續經營等大環境根本問題的重視,消費市場興起了一股環保家具的消費風潮。因此,本研究擬應用環保材料之瓦楞紙進行家具結構與設計之探討,主要目的有:分析紙類生活用品之結構設計的紙材與結合方式;探討家具常用之結構,並開發設計瓦楞紙家具常用之結構;探討相同結構下之不同楞向的連結件,其強度是否具有差異;並應用瓦楞紙家具結構進行設計範例。 首先透過內容分析法進行紙類生活用品之專利分析,歸納出紙類生活用品結構設計之紙材及結合方式,以及瓦楞紙結構之結合方式,並透過腦力激盪法及焦點團體法,開發出瓦楞紙家具常用之平面框結構L型結構、T型結構、十字型結構;立體框架結構3D-L型結構、3D-T型結構、3D-十字型結構;及連結件,共計七種構件。開發之結構具有可由平面構成不同立體結構,一般消費者自行DIY完成組裝,可依不同需求變化家具尺寸,可達成設計模組化,包裝平版化與重量輕量化及可拆解等特色。並以實驗研究法進行瓦楞紙結構連結件之抗彎強度實驗研究,得到楞向與連結件垂直之連結件抗彎強度優於楞向與連結件水平之連結件的結果,最後將上述之成果模擬於居家及商業空間之情境,進行模組化應用設計案例示範,作為未來瓦楞紙家具設計之參考。


Furniture is a combination of practical and design of industrial products is one integral part of the apparatus of human life. In recent years, under the influence of the global greenhouse effect, caused by product manufacturers, designers and consumer users for environmental protection and sustainable development issues such as environment of fundamental importance, the rise of the consumer market an environmentally friendly furniture, consumer trends. Therefore, the study of environmental protection to be applied to furniture, corrugated materials and design of the structure, the main purpose: To analyze the structure of paper designed for daily use and integration of media means; structure commonly used in furniture and furniture commonly used development and design of corrugated structure; of the same structure to link different pieces of flute, whether the difference in strength; and apply the structure of corrugated furniture design example. First, the paper by analyzing the contents of the patent life of products, articles for daily paper summarized the design of the structure and binding mode of media, and the binding mode corrugated structure, and through brainstorming and focus groups to develop corrugated furniture Plane frame structure commonly used L-type structure, T-type structure, cross-shaped structure; three-dimensional frame structure 3D-L-type structure, 3D-T-type structure, 3D-cross-shaped structure; and link pieces of a total of seven components. Developed by the flat structure of three-dimensional structure of different composition, the average consumer self-assembled DIY, furniture needs change according to different sizes, modular design can be reached, packaging sheets of light weight and can be disassembled and weight and other characteristics. And experimental research method to link pieces of corrugated structural bending strength test, and obtained the vertical flute pieces to the link with the link bending strength than the level of flute pieces to the link and link the results of cases, the final results of the simulation of the above and commercial space in the home situation, the case of modular application design model, as a reference for future design of corrugated cardboard furniture.


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