  • 學位論文


Performance Evaluation For The E-Commerce Operation Of Industrial Portal

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


台灣是中小企業的天堂,中小企業是台灣經濟發展的動力引擎。中小企業在我國企業中佔比逾97%,其競爭力強弱對台灣經濟發展的影響可見一斑,而在新一波電子商務造成的企業典範移轉的競爭趨勢中,即使中小企業沒有採取主動的方式去建置企業e化或電子商務的環境,也會因市場競爭壓力或國外市場需求,被動的被要求完成企業相關e化環境的建置;職司中小企業輔導的主管機關中小企業處便著手推動「資訊管理輔導體系」及「促進中小企業電子化科技發展計畫」,希望藉以電子化與網路化帶動電子商務以提升中小企業競爭優勢。 本研究在於評估一適用於各產業入口網站營運的績效衡量指標,透過分析歷年來經濟部中小企業處「產業別網際網路資料庫及電子商務計畫」之資料及執行績效,並彙整中小企業電子商務相關文獻資料,及運用層級程序分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)以產業公/協會計畫主持人為問卷對象找出「產業入口網站績效評估重要屬性」之權重與排序,再運用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)進行模式評估公/協會所投入及產出的成效做一完整的分析,使得研究成果更具客觀、公正、有效。提供給產業入口網站未來電子商務營運之參考。 本研究的成果及貢獻為(1)建構一套適合各產業公協會導入電子商務入口網站之績效評估模式及衡量指標;(2)有助於未來產業公/協會建置電子商務入口網站成效之評估;(3)提供政府單位其施政計畫之實證資料,作為未來輔導之參考依據。


Taiwan is the paradise for SMEs(Small and Medium Enterprises)which are the engine of Taiwanese economic development. SMEs occupy 97% of all enterprises in Taiwan so it can see the competitiveness of SMEs have direct influence on economic development. However, facing the new e-commerce tide of enterprise transferring, even if SMEs don’t actively build e-commerce environment, they are passively requested to build e-business environment due to the market competitive pressure or the demand of foreign customer. Small and Medium Enterprise Administration(SMEA) in charge of SMEs guidance, is proceeding 「Information Management Guidance」and 「Enhancing SMEs Information Technology Development Plan」 by the way of e-business and networking to reinforce the competitive advantages of SMEs. This research is estimated the Industry-based portal operating performance evaluation indicators according to the analysis of SMEA’s 「Industry-based Online Database and E-Commerce Project」data and implementation performance and the SMEs e-commerce related document. By using AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) which focusing on the weight and rating of 「The Important Attributes of Performance Evaluation for Industry-based Portal Sites」by taking plan leaders of industrial associations as the targets of the questionnaire and then using DEA(Data envelopment analysis) performs full analysis about the industrial association’s investment and output efficiency which makes the research results more objective, justice and effective to be references for Industry-based portal’s e-commerce operation. The results of the research are (1)to establish a series of performance evaluation models and indicators which are suitable for industrial association adopting e-business portal site model;(2)to facilitate the coming industrial association to do assessment about building e-commerce portal sites;(3)to provide a demonstration for governmental enforcement plan and a basis for guidance in the future.


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