  • 學位論文


Structural Characterization and Immunoactivity of Glycolipids from a Novel Indigenous Radiation-Resistant Thermophilic Bacterium, NTU-806

指導教授 : 段葉芳 吳世雄


醣脂質在生物系統中扮演多樣且重要的角色。根據先前研究報告指出,嗜熱性微生物之細胞表面主要由醣酯質所組成,因此我們希望從台灣本土嗜熱性抗輻射菌株中找出具有生物活性的醣脂質。 本研究主要針對由台灣本土嗜熱性抗輻射菌株NTU-806從其細胞表面萃取出之醣脂質做結構解析鑑定及免疫活性測試。實驗首先將從台灣溫泉所分離出且同為Rubrobacter屬的NTU-520、NTU-806、NTU-808、 NTU-829、NTU-1102、NTU-1106、NTU-1110、NTU-1119以及NTU-1129 等九株本土菌株的醣脂質粗萃物對小鼠巨噬細胞進行刺激使之分泌腫瘤壞死因子TNF-α,其中菌株NTU-806頗具免疫活性。NTU-806醣脂質粗萃物經由管柱層析純化後再以核磁共振分析與質譜分析後得以鑑定出得知NTU-806含有兩個硫脂化合物 (6-(2-butyramido-3-hydroxy heptyloxy)-3,4,5-trihydroxytetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl)methanesulfonate (SQC) 及(6-(2-(butyryloxy)-3-propoxypropoxy)-3,4,5-trihydroxytetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl) methanesulfonate (SQMG),其中第一次發現硫醣類與神經醯胺連接的化合物。


抗輻射性 嗜熱菌 醣脂質 TNF-α


Glycolipids exhibit great structural diversity and play important roles in biology system. Previous studies indicated that the structures of glycolipids were the major components of thermophilic bacteria cell membrane. Here, we aim to discover the novel glycolipids which have bioactivity of immunomodulation from radiation-resistant thermophilic bacteria found in Taiwan. Our study focus on the immunoactivity and structural analyses of Genus Rubrobacter glycolipids isolated from hot springs indigenous to Taiwan. The glycolipid crude extracts from strains NTU-520, NTU-806, NTU-808, NTU-829, NTU-1102, NTU-1106, NTU-1110, NTU-1119 and NTU-1129 of Genus Rubrobacter were subjected to TNF-α induction assay. Result shows glycolipid crude extracts of NTU-806 possesses highest immunostimulation activity. Structure composition analysis of NTU-806 by Column Chromatography, and were determined NMR spectroscopy, Mass spectrometer, indicated this strain contain two major sulfolipids; (6-(2-butyramido- 3-hydroxyheptyloxy)-3,4,5-trihydroxytetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl)methanesulfonate (SQC) and (6-(2-(butyryloxy)-3-propoxypropoxy)-3,4,5-trihydroxytetrahydro-2H- pyran-2-yl) methanesulfonate (SQMG). It is the very first time for SQC to be found in linkage between sulfoquinovose and ceramide which is a novel compound that has never been reported before.


(66) 林家銘,本土新穎嗜熱抗輻射菌株NTU-1233醣脂質之結構判定,碩士論文,國立台灣大學生化科技研究所,台北,2008。
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