  • 學位論文


Study of influence factors of consumers in selecting the cram-school for civil servant examination

指導教授 : 林榮禾


現今就業環境競爭激烈,福利優、待遇佳、職場生涯穩定的公職每年均吸引廣大的群眾報考,隨著消費意識的抬頭,補教業者之間的競爭也日漸加劇,如何創造差異化的優勢,如何提升服務品質以滿足消費者的需求,均是影響企業經營發展與消費者行為意向的因素。本文以國內知名公職補習班與其學員為對象,採用質性研究方法之個案研究法,透過深度訪談以瞭解公職補教產業的產業概況、個案補習班之經營現況、個案補習班經營策略所創造的獨特性,並透過焦點訪談法,藉由Kotler的消費者決策過程之資訊蒐集、方案評估、購買決策、購後行為等四項因素,了解消費者選擇個案補習班的決策程序,以及個案補習班的獨特性對消費者行為的影響,期能提供個案補習班經營策略改進的參考,進而影響未來消費者選擇個案補習班的意願。 依據研究結果顯示,獲致以下之研究結論: 一、個案補習班以差異化策略經營模式建立獨特能力,提供與競爭者形成差異之產品、服務、創新與形象等具獨特性的策略以獲得競爭優勢,能獲得消費者的信賴與認同,提升消費者的購買意願。 二、個案補習班學員之購買決策因素認同項目,如搜尋相關訊息之管道、選擇補習班之準則與滿意度等影響因素與個案補習班之實際經營重點相符。 三、消費者決策過程應用Kotler消費者決策程序中之「資訊蒐集」、「方案評估」、「購買決策」與「購後行為」四個過程步驟的探求,獲致消費者選擇公職補習班之影響因素,並提出對公職補教業者之管理意涵,以期提供公職補教業者在策略制定與執行上不同的檢視角度與規劃方法。


Nowadays, since highly competitive in employment environment, lots of applicants are attracted on joining the examinations for vacancies of civil servants every year because of its good welfare, nice payment and stable carrier plan. With a better awareness of consumer, operating a cram-school for civil servant examination becomes a keen competition. How to make a difference with other cram-schools and improve services to fit customers’ needs are all related to manage this business and affect customers’ decision. This study uses case-study method of qualitative research and targets a famous cram-school for civil servant examination with its students to understand the management strategy about the cram-school business for civil servant examination based on their experience. Moreover, this study uses focus interviews and based on the Kotler’s four factors of consumer decision-making process which are information collection, program evaluation, purchase decision, and purchase behavior in order to get findings a process when customer choose to join a cram-school for civil servant examination and how the different characteristics of a cram-school for civil servant examination that provide some strategical advices for the targeted cram-school for civil servant examination effect customer’s behavior to select their purchase will in future. Based on data analysis, this research results show the following findings: 1. The targeted cram-school uses the strategy of different business model to build up its own unique ability, and earns their own superiority by providing a different product, service, creation, and image that brings consumers’ trust and recognition which could enhance consumers’ willingness to purchase. 2. The targeted cram-school operation priority and its students purchase decision are matched on channels’ search information about cram-school, rules to choose cram-school, and consumer satisfaction. 3. The consumer decision-making process applies the Kotler’s four factors of consumer decision-making process which are information collection, program evaluation, purchase decision, and purchase behavior in order to get the factors influence consumer to choose a cram- school, and the management applications for cram- schools to provide various viewpoints and projects about strategy planning and executing.


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