  • 學位論文


Design of Vibration Reduction of Vertical Type Machining Center

指導教授 : 蔡定江


在現今高精密、高效率與高壽命是工具機發展的主要趨勢,工具機的振動幅 度大小決定機台之精密度,所以掌握了工具機的剛性與動態特性,將有助於研究 結構的振動,以避免共振,提升工具機之效率及壽命。 本文利用有限元素分析方法對立式綜合加工機進行結構分析,分析自然頻率 以及響應,了解結構自然頻率之模態振型與響應,並且裝配動態吸振器,來減少 共振時所產生的振幅。初步結果顯示在模態一減少 71.87%振幅與模態二減少 68.46%振幅,以及鋸弓零件減少 63.21%的質量。


工具機 DVA


In the present, high precision and high cutting speed have become the main developing trend of Machine Tools. The amplitude of vibration of the machine affects the machine accuracy. Therefore, it is important to investigate the rigidity and dynamic characteristics of the Machine Tools designed in order to avoid resonance phenomena and upgrade the efficiency and lifetime of the machine. The structural analysis of a selected Vertical Type Machining Center based on 3D finite element model are conducted to obtain the structural natural frequencies and associated mode shapes, and the harmonic responses. And use the dynamic vibration absorber amplitudes to reduce resonances arising. The preliminary results show that amplitude of vibration is reduced 71.87 % for first mode, 68.46 % for second mode and 63.21 % for third mode as compared to original design.


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