  • 學位論文


Personality trait and subjective well-being among fathers with preterm children

指導教授 : 徐美玲


背景:母親向來是早產兒的主要照護者,而父親是母親與家庭的最大支柱,這層關係影響早產兒的整體生活品質,進而影響家庭成員及整體發展。對於不預期的孩子早產,焦慮多於喜悅。父親是否可以承擔即將面臨的壓力與困難,可以透過測量其主觀幸福感得知,而個人人格特質是主觀幸福感的重要影響因素,因此,有必要進一步瞭解早產兒父親人格特質與主觀幸福感的現況,以及其相關性。 目的:探討早產兒父親人格特質與主觀幸福感相關性,以及相關影響因素。 方法:採橫斷面調查研究方法,以方便取樣,選擇北部某醫學中心新生兒加護病房、新生兒中重度病房及產後病房,於出生住院5天內之早產兒父親為研究對象,共有104位參與。研究工具包括「人格特質量表」及「主觀幸福感量表」兩份現成量表,問卷分析採內在一致性檢定,Cronbach’s α值為 .83及.95;再測信度r值為.66。以描述性統計包括:個數、百分比、平均值及標準差;推論性統計包括:獨立t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元性迴歸等進行資料分析。 結果:(1)73.1%早產兒父親呈現中等程度的主觀幸福感。(2)早產兒父親越偏向「外向性」及「開放性」人格特質者,主觀幸福感越高。(3) 早產兒父親越偏向「神經質」人格特質者,主觀幸福感越低。(4)早產兒體重1001-1499公克、核心家庭型態、早產兒父親大學教育程度、以及「外向性」、「開放性」、「神經質」等人格特質可預測主觀幸福感,共具48%的解釋力。 結論及應用:早產兒父親的主觀幸福感受與其人格特質中之外向性與開放性、年齡、教育程度、家庭型態、早產兒體重有關,建議未來在擬訂早產兒照護計劃時,應依早產兒父親之人格特質的差異,設計活動內容,以提升主觀幸福感,增進整體醫療效果與照護品質,嘉惠更多早產兒家庭。


Abstract BACKGROUND: Mother has always been the major caregivers of the premature baby, and the father is the main supporter of the mother and their family. This relationship affects the overall quality of living. Furthermore, it affects the overall development of all members in the family. While facing the unexpected preterm birth, worries are often more than joys. Being able to take pressure and difficulties could be predicted by evaluating the fathers subjective well-being. The major element which affects the subjective well-being most is the individual’s personality trait. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the situation and relation of the personality trait and subjective well-being of the father of premature baby. OBJECTIVE: To discuss the relation of the personality trait and subjective well-being and relative factors. METHODS: For the convenience of sampling, the cross-section survey is taken as the study method. The research chooses the neonatal intensive care units, severe neonatal wards, and postnatal wards in a medical center of Northern Taiwan., targeting the fathers of premature babies who are born in 5 days. 104 questionnaires are collected in total. The researching tools include “personality traits quality table” and “subjective well-being quality table”. Analysis of questionnaires are collected through the test of internal consistency. Cronbach's α value is .83 and .95; test-retest reliability r is .66. Descriptive statistics include: number, percentage, average and standard deviation; inferential statistics include: independent t test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product moment correlation and regression. RESULTS: (1) 73.1% of the fathers subjective well-being is middle. (2) Father’s with “outgoing” and “open-minded” personality trait earn more subjective well-being. (3) Fathers with “neurotic” personality trait earn less subjective well-being. (4) The subjective well-being could be predicted by these elements: 1001-1499 kg premature baby, the core style of family, fathers with college degree, personality trait of being “outgoing”, “open-minded” and “neurotic”. The strength of explanation could be 48%. Conclusion and Application: Preterm children and their fathers subjective well-being in the personality trait extraversion and openness, age, education, family patterns, weight preterm children related to the formulation of recommendations for future preterm children in the care plan, should be in accordance personality traits of his father in preterm children the difference, design activities to enhance subjective well-being, enhance overall health outcomes and quality of care, and benefit more families with premature babies.


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