  • 學位論文


Relationship between Occupational Exposure and Health Effects in Potters

指導教授 : 陳叡瑜


陶瓷製造業在成品之製造、加工過程中所產生之可呼吸性粉塵,可能造成呼吸系統的傷害。另陶瓷製造業之製程中有鍛燒之過程,使勞工暴露於高溫作業環境下,可能會對工人健康產生不良影響。為了解陶瓷製造之危害暴露及其健康效應,故進行本研究。 本研究係一橫斷研究(Cross-Sectional Study),以陶瓷製造類別分層隨機抽取8家工廠,藉由粉塵作業健康檢查(包括肺功能檢查)、問卷調查(包括個人基本資料、呼吸防護具的使用情形和自覺症狀等)及作業環境測定(包括個人可呼吸性粉塵採樣、綜合溫度熱指數(WBGT)等),探討陶瓷作業工人的危害暴露、健康現況及其相關性。 結果顯示,個人可呼吸性粉塵濃度介於ND~5.75 mg/m3之間,幾何平均值為0.33 mg/m3。根據原料樣本分析結果,其二氧化矽含量多低於10%,若以第二類粉塵視之,則18%樣本濃度高於容許濃度(1 mg/m3)。依工廠類別區分,以衛生瓷廠之粉塵平均濃度最高,日用瓷廠次之,而工業用瓷廠最低;各製程中以施釉之粉塵平均濃度最高,修胚勞工次之,包裝倉儲最低。WBGT時量平均值介於27.6~34.9℃之間,以建築瓷廠最高,衛生瓷廠次之,工業用瓷廠最低。雖有67%樣本工廠WBGT時量平均值超過輕度工作可連續作業之WBGT時量平均容許值(30.6℃),但受訪者中未有明顯之熱疲勞症狀發生。肺通氣障礙盛行率,男性工人約為79%,女性工人約為81%;有1名工作45年之員工罹患塵肺症。肩頸部和手臂酸痛盛行率各約為25%。 本研究之樣本陶瓷製造廠18%可呼吸性粉塵濃度高於1 mg/m3,衛生瓷廠之粉塵平均濃度最高;67% WBGT時量平均值超過30.6℃,建築瓷廠之WBGT值最高。肺通氣障礙盛行率高,但六成以上的員工沒有使用呼吸防護具。雖然受訪者中未有明顯之熱疲勞症狀發生,但是樣本廠WBGT時量平均值介於27.6~34.9℃之間,多屬高溫作業環境。建議應加強呼吸防護及依高溫作業作息標準調整勞工之作息時間。


The workers of pottery industry may be exposed tomineral dust containing Crystalline free silica and should be endured in hot environment. In order to recognize and evaluate the risk factors in the environment and the health effects caused by risk factors, a cross sectional study was conducted. 8 factories were randomly sampled. Through health exam. (including lung functional test), questionnaires interview personal data of 50 workers of those factories were collected. Environmental surveillance (including respirable particulates personal sampling and area WBGT measurement) were performed. The geometric mean of personal respirable particulates concentrations was 0.33 mg/m3 (ranged from ND to 5.75), 18% samples were higher than the 2nd category standard of 1 mg/m3. Compared the dust concentrations according to the products classification of sampled factories, we found that sanitary products factories were the highest ones and the industrial porcelain factories were the lowest ones. While comparing the different manufacture processes, the descending order of dust concentrations were shaping and fixing > glazing > packing. The alues of TWA-WBGT were ranged from 27.6~34.9℃, values of 67% vsamples were above the standard for continuous light work (30.6℃). However, there were no significant heat stress disorders were found among the subject workers. Prevalence of the abnormal lung function were 79% for male workers and 81% for female workers. There was a worker with 45 years work history who was diagnosed pneumoconiosis. The prevalence of neck-shoulder discomfort and arm soreness were about 25%. Some samples of respirable particulates concentrations were higher han the 2nd category standard of 1 mg/m3 and the values of TWA-WBGT were ranged from 27.6~34.9℃. The protective respirable devices and the work-rest regimen of heat strain should be followed.


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