  • 學位論文


Exploring the Relationship Between the Character of Diet and the Severity of Clinical Symptoms in Allergic Rhinitis

指導教授 : 陳品玲


近年來傳統中醫發展蓬勃,實證中醫藥的研究報告持續增加,一般人對於中醫的接受度提高,但中醫治療疾病時常常需要相關性味的飲食配合,此種說法卻多數未經證實。因此本研究之目的在探討過敏性鼻炎患者接受中醫治療時,偏好攝取寒性食物與過敏性鼻炎症狀嚴重度間之關聯,以做為日後過敏性鼻炎中醫臨床治療及衛教之依據。研究中採橫斷式調查研究法,以方便取樣台灣北區某私立醫學中心之中醫門診,符合取樣標準之197位過敏性鼻炎患者為研究對象,採結構式問卷收集資料。 研究結果顯示,兄弟姊妹間排行第一位之個案罹患過敏性鼻炎的機率較高,兄弟姊妹人數愈多症狀愈輕,有過敏性疾病史的個案,臨床症狀得分與血清IgE總量及臨床症狀嚴重度與血清IgE總量高低都明顯較高,而男性血清IgE總量則明顯高於女性(p=.007)。過敏性鼻炎個案的血清IgE總量隨著年齡的增長而降低(r=-.22),症狀得分也會隨著年齡的增長而降低(r=-.164)。個案攝取寒性食物攝取比例值愈高,血清IgE總量愈高(r=.178),寒性食物攝取比例值每增加1﹪,過敏性鼻炎重度臨床表徵增加1.047倍的機率(p=.006),肺脾氣虛型個案寒性食物攝取比例值每增加1﹪,會增加過敏性鼻炎重度臨床表徵1.109倍的機率(p=.023),寒性食物攝取比例值每增加1﹪,高血清IgE總量提高1.037倍的機率(p=.023)。寒性食物攝取比例值、個案過敏疾病史及過去曾經接受中醫治療經驗等三項解釋變項,最能解釋過敏性鼻炎臨床症狀嚴重度的變異量(R2=10.8﹪)。年齡、寒性食物攝取比例值、個案過敏疾病史及性別等四項解釋變項最能解釋過敏性鼻炎個案血清IgE總量高低的變異量(R2=13.1﹪)。因此研究結果發現過敏性鼻炎個案偏好寒性食物攝取者,有較嚴重的過敏性鼻炎臨床症狀表現及較高的血清IgE總量。


Traditional Chinese medicine has been widely used and accepted in the Chinese society for many years, more and more reports of Chinese medicine have been published with evidence-based studies in recent years. Though the concept of suitable dietary control under the treatment of Chinese medicine is taught and practiced, but its validity is not proven yet. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the predilection of cold type diet and the severity of clinical symptoms in allergic rhinitis, in the hope of leading to a new concept of dietary control in the treatment of allergic rhinitis by traditional Chinese medicine. A cross-sectional study was conducted using convenience sampling with a structured questionnaire. 197 subjects were enrolled through the out patient department of Chinese medicine in a private medical center of north Taiwan. The results of this study showed that the elder sibling of family suffered higher incidence of allergic rhinitis as compared with other members of the families, nevertheless, more number of siblings in the family suffered less clinical symptom of allergic rhinitis in this study. The patients with allergic history got more higher symptomatic score; total serum IgE level and severe clinical symptom as compared with non-allergic history, and male patients had higher total serum IgE level than female (p=.007) and inversely total serum IgE level (r=-.22) and symptomatic score (r=-.164) were related with age. Serum IgE level was also related with the ratio of cold character diet that patients took in their diets (r=.178), we found the cold character of diet can increase 1.047 times of all patients (p=.006) and 1.109 times of the patients belongs to the group of lung-spleen qi vacuity (p=.023) in the seriousness of clinical symptom, and 1.037 times of total serum IgE levels of all patients (p=.023). In this study we found the ratio of cold character diet intake; history of allergic diseases and the experience of treatment by Chinese medicine could explain the response variable of the severity of clinical symptom (R2=10.8%); the ratio of cold character diet intake; sex; age and history of allergic diseases could explain the response variable of the severity of serum IgE level (R2=13.1%), so we concluded, the patients of allergic rhinitis suffered more severe clinical symptom and higher total serum IgE level when they took higher ratio of cold character food in their diets.


allergic rhinitis character of diet


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