  • 學位論文


Impact of Drug Price Adjustment of Taiwan National Health Insurance on Prescription Choose- An Example of Glaucoma

指導教授 : 郭乃文


目的: 本研究以青光眼用藥為例,意旨在探討健保藥價調整政策,以及藥價調整福對,對於不同特質之各醫療院所選擇用藥之影響。 研究主題重要性: 自1999年臺灣時實施全民健康保險以來,藥費即佔每年支出總額的四分之一,如今臺灣社會又面臨了人口老化等環境因素,未來慢性病的藥品支出勢必會持續增長,政府因此積極的設法有效控制藥費;而以醫療院所的角度而言,是否會因本身不同的特質而有不同的營運成本控制進而影響,導致其最終選擇用藥的改變,是為此研究的目的,期望能提供未來評估成本及用藥品質的一項參考。 材料與方法: 使用國家衛生研究院發行的全民健康保險研究資料庫的次級資料,研究對象為2010年至2011年間曾罹患青光眼並且使用藥品進行治療之病人,以(1)卡方檢定、(2)配對樣本T檢定、(3)相關分析及(4)複回歸模型,比對歷年衛生福利部所公告的藥品調價品項及調整幅度,探討醫療院所特質與實際用藥選擇的相關性。 結果: 本研究結果顯示(1)在卡方檢定下,不同特質的醫療院所呈現的原廠藥使用比例有顯著的差異。(2)配對樣本T檢定結果顯示在調整藥價前後(2010年及2011年)兩年,使用學名藥的比例並未有顯著差異。(3)和(4)加入了藥價調整幅度,試圖找出其影響用藥比例的模型,但在各個影響因子下也未呈現顯著結果。 結論: 研究假設藥價調整應會對用藥結果產生影響,尤其藥價調整幅度越大者影響越多,但結果並未呈現這樣的趨勢;而根據卡方檢定可發現醫療院所的特質會在原廠藥或學名藥的選用上產生差異,此結果符合原先的研究假設。


原廠藥 學名藥 藥價調整 青光眼


Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of drug price adjustment policy on prescription choose of different medical institutions in Taiwan. Method: The study was focus on glaucoma drugs. Using the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHRI), the researcher selected those patients who were diagnosed with glaucoma and has been treated by drug in 2010 and 2011. The result was analyzed by SAS with (a) Pearson's chi-squared test, (b) paired t test, (c) correlation analysis, and (d) multiple regression analysis. Result: The results of this study were as follows: (a) In terms of the results of Pearson's chi-squared test, there were statistical significances on the use of brand name drug on different characteristics of medical institutions; (b) Compared the ratio of generic drugs used in 2010 and 2011 (before and after adjustment), there was no statistical significances. Therefore, we could not conclude that the policy of price adjustment would affect the drug use. (c) & (d) Adding drug price adjustment rate in regression model also could not find any statistical significance. Conclusion: According to the result, this study didn’t find a significant relationship between drug price adjustments and choose of drug use. But there were significantly differences on the use of brand name drugs and generic drug with different characteristics of medical institutions. Those medical institutions which are public, regional hospital, and located in Taipei area group would have a higher possibility choosing brand name drugs.


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