  • 學位論文


The effect of classroom indoor air quality on students’ health and study efficiency

指導教授 : 趙馨


除了住家環境外,學校是正值發育時期學童所在時間最長的地點,良好的學校環境品質,可以提供學童健康、有效率的學習和成長環境。為瞭解我國國中、小學教室的環境品質狀況,本研究針對全國北、中、南三區十二所學校進行空氣品質監測調查,評估對學生健康及學習效率的影響。本研究針對參與研究的班級教室,於兩季各進行一天的完整室內空氣品質監測,採測項目包含真菌、細菌、二氧化碳、一氧化碳、總揮發性有機化合物、懸浮微粒等等;學生健康狀況及學習效率則利用問卷調查、學生出席率及考試成績進行評估。根據統計分析結果發現,在控制學童人口學變項、家庭環境狀況及健康史後,教室內Bipolaris、Cladosporium、 Drechslera、細菌濃度與學生個人成績有顯著相關;自評學習效率與Bipolaris、Exserohilum、Fusarium、Verticillium濃度有關;Alternaria、Cladosporium、Fusarium (Fungal Factor3)及CO濃度,與缺席率有顯著正相關;總真菌濃度及多種真菌(Drechslera、Ulocladium、Verticillium、Exserohilum、Neurospora等),以及PM2.5、CO2 關鍵詞:室內空氣品質、學校、學習效率、病態大樓症狀 ,會顯著影響學童的病態大樓症狀。教室內多種環境因子明顯會影響學童的學習效率及健康狀況,因此校方應致力維持教室良好的空氣品質,以提供學童優良的學習環境。


Young students spend most of their time in school environments, in addition to their residences. Good environmental quality can provide healthy, efficient learning environment at school for growing children. To know the environmental quality conditions of classrooms, we conducted a study to evaluate the effects of classroom indoor air quality on students’ health and study efficiency at 12 elementary and junior high schools in northern, central and southern Taiwan. Comprehensive air samplings were conducted at the study classrooms one day each for two different seasons, including culturable fungi and bacteria, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), particulates, and etc. Students’ health and study efficiency were evaluated using structured questionnaires, class absent rate, and academic grade. According to statistical analyses, after adjusting for students’ demographic factors, residential environment and history of health, indoor Bipolaris, Cladosporium, Drechslera and total bacterial levels were significantly associated with students’ grade. Self-evaluated study efficiency was related to the concentrations of Bipolaris, Exserohilum, Fusarium and Verticillium. The levels of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium (Fungal Factor3) and CO were positively correlated with class absent rate. Total fungal level, various fungi (Drechslera,Ulocladium, Verticillium, Exserohilum, Neurospora and etc), PM2.5 and CO had significant impacts on students’ self-perceived sick building iv symptoms. Our study demonstrates that many environmental factors in classroom significantly affect students’study efficiency and health. Therefore, school should keep good indoor air quality in classrooms to provide high quality learning environments for students.


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