  • 學位論文


The Study of Spatial Characteristics of Occupational Injury and Socioeconomic Circumstances in Taiwan

指導教授 : 徐建業


勞工職業傷害一直以來都是世界各國相當重要且需要研究預防的安全健康課題。勞工安全保險局於2008年的勞工保險統計年報顯示,我國勞工職業傷害之千人率達4.439,該年職業災害實計保險給付金額高達新台幣60億餘元,因此如何有效地控制和預防我國勞工職業傷害是刻不容緩的研究議題。 在過往的相關研究中,空間面向經常被忽略,而多著重於個人及時間之間的變化,並往往僅針對勞工的族群、工作內容、使用器械及場所或行業分類等面向進行研究,而較少以空間、地理層面切入。但從許多相關研究可得知,空間、地理位置等因素極為重要,能有效的預防勞工職業災害、改善勞工安全及其資源的分配。 本研究欲透過空間分析並以地理資訊系統軟體之圖形化顯示,探討全台灣勞工職業傷害於不同地理位置之分布情況與社經因素之空間相依性。藉由其分析結果歸納我國勞工於過去三年的職業傷害與地理因素、社經因素的分布情況,以及相關影響因素。


Occupational injury has been a very important and need to be researched and studied global issue. Council of Labor Affairs has announced the 2008 annual reports of the labor insurance statistics of occupational injuries in Taiwan, which reached 4.439 per thousand populations, the amount of payments in 2008 are up to more than 60 billion NT dollars. Therefore, how to effectively control and prevent occupational injuries is an urgent and necessary issue. In previous studies, spatial dimension was often being ignored or forgotten, and emphasis has been given to the difference between population and time. Most of the research in this field is focused on workers’ population, content, use of equipment and location or industry classification, instead of spatial or geographical point of view. However, many studies proved that spatial and geographical locations are extremely important, which may help us prevent occupational injuries, to improve the safety and resource allocation to workers effectively. Through the spatial analysis and geographic information system, the study is going to further explore occupational injury in Taiwan at different geographical distribution and the correlation between socioeconomic factors. The analysis results will summarize the relationship between geographic and socioeconomic of occupational injuries in the past three years in Taiwan.


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