  • 學位論文


A historical research of the Development of domestic distributors of imported foreign films

指導教授 : 王小惠 博士 盧非易 副教授


為了解台灣外片發行華商之歷史發展,本文從歷年外片政策、電影產業結構變動,以及全球電影市場潮流三大角度,檢視華商自一九四五年至一九九九年的發展脈絡,及整體外片市場的轉變。本文將研究歷程分為三大階段: 第一階段自一九五四至一九八○年,此時期為華商的草創期。政府為扶持國片發展,針對進口影片設置高門檻,如:影片配額、外片映演場所數量的上限及拷貝進口數量等。避免市場結構因過度充斥外片而失調,藉此維護國片的生存空間。 第二階段自一九八○至一九八八年。此時期政府在美商要求台灣市場開放的壓力迫使下,將部分外片管制解除。配合美國獨立製片業興盛,華商可進口多元化的影片,一時之間,電影市場景氣看好。另外,錄影帶出現,將舊有版權交易模式重整,華商因而受惠。 第三階段自一九八九年至一九九九年。此時期的外片管制在國片業者及美商要求全面開放下,幾近完全解禁。另外,好萊塢媒體集團垂直及水平整合後,挾其全球資源進行市場壟斷。台灣也無可避免地成為好萊塢全球排名第十大收益地區。此舉造成小規模華商片源短缺,轉型以發行外語片為主要經營項目。 若要徹底解決電影市場結構性失調以及健全台灣電影工業,本文建議: 政策上,政府廢除配額管制後,仍應維持映演家數與拷貝的限制,以調節供需。在傳播內容上,台灣各大電子媒體的報導,多方呈現不同來源的訊息,避免成為美商八大的傳聲筒。另外,應建立國內觀影人口統計分析資料,作為國內電影業者製片、購片或發行時的參考。


To draw a picture of the development of the domestic distributors for imported foreign films, the purpose of this paper shows how these distributors evolved and why the local market of motion pictures had come to be dominated by an oligopoly of US companies, the so-called “Majors”. This thesis analyses the industry’s structure from 1954 to 1999 the policy of restricting the circulation of foreign films and the transition into global film market. The research concludes that the history of domestic distributors can be divided into three stages:beginning, golden era and decline. Beginning(1954-1980):To insure the growth of domestic film industry, Taiwan government constituted policies to restrict the numbers of imported film ,the prints, and screens which exhibited foreign films. These limitations worked as barriers to resist the unbalanced competition. By doing so, the government controlled the access of foreign film industry in the local market. The second stage is the Golden Era(1980-1988).Taiwan government deregulated portions of the restrictions and protections as the responses to the MPEA’s requirements of opening Taiwan’s local film market. The vigorous responses that Taiwanese distributors can be related to the prosperity of American indies, and allowed them to import various foreign films. Meanwhile, video technology proposed which rallied the old transaction models and brought a lot of advantages to the local distributors. The third stage is the Decline(1989-1999).During this period, the Hollywood Majors dominated worldwide film industry. Taiwan removed almost all of the restrictions ,as a result Taiwan becomes the tenth largest film market in Hollywood’s global box office ranking. With the shortage of films, Taiwanese indies have transformed into exclusive of distribute European films.


