  • 學位論文


A study of the public to the perspectives of eGoverment-an example from Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 詹前隆


在政府不斷創新改革的聲浪中,電子化政府(eGovernment)已成為世界各國努力推動之政策目標,藉由網際網路(Internet)的便利性,使得各國政府紛紛提出許多電子化政府相關政策及服務,同時提供便民的網路環境與增加民眾多元化的溝通管道,逐步實現電子化政府之目標。電子化政府之推動形同政府再造,藉由資訊通信技術(ICT)提昇各項資訊及網路之應用,不僅有效提昇便民服務效益與品質以及政府行政效率,同時增加我國在國際間之競爭力。 本研究經由實際問卷調查,收集民眾之社經背景資料,再加上民眾對電子化政府之看法,做為研究假設以及統計分析之依據,最後再加上文獻資料,探討民眾對於電子化政府之觀點,以及未來電子化政府政策推動之方向。 本研究採用描述性統計分析、因素分析、差異分析以及單因子變異數分析等統計分析方法,得到實證研究結果,進而提出研究建議。本研究主要目的,是以民眾觀點來瞭解電子化政府實施現況,研究發現部份社經背景條件不同之民眾對於電子化政府觀點有顯著差異。最後,本研究期望可以提供決策者對未來電子化政府政策制定之參考。 綜合上述,本研究主要內容包括:(一) 民眾對電子化政府服務內容之觀點 (二)民眾對政府資訊透明化程度之觀點(三) 民眾支持電子化政府原因之觀點(四)民眾對推動電子化政府之其他建議事項。


The reality of eGovernment has become the ultimate goal that countries all over the world strive for, in a wave of government renovation and reinvention. Through the widespread availability and ease-of-use of the Internet, every country in the world has started to propose guidelines and services related to the concept of eGovernment. In addition, these countries have also provided the public with information through their various official websites and have added a variety of ways to communicate with their people. With such a movement, the reality of eGovernment is gradually taking shape. The deployment of eGovernment is like government reinvention. Through the strong support of useful information and the Internet via ICT, not only does it effectively increase the benefits and quality of serving the public as well as government productivity, but it also elevates competitiveness of our country within the international arena. My studies investigate and unveil what the public thinks of eGovernment and where the guidelines for eGovernment are gravitating towards. This research is being accomplished by utilizing a combination of statistical analyses, references, and hypotheses. The hypotheses themselves are established based on the methodology of firsthand surveys and polls by gathering social and economic demographics of the public, as well as its viewpoints towards eGovernment. Furthermore, the recommendations of this research are made possible due to the findings and revelations through adopting different types of statistical analyses, including descriptive statistics , factor analysis, differential analysis and One-Way ANOVA. The main goal of this research project is to uncover and understand the current implementation of eGovernment from the perspective of the public. People from different social and economic backgrounds may have different points of view towards the concept of eGovernment. Lastly, this study hopes to provide policymakers with suggestions and references for the implementation of eGovernment policies in the future. In summary, the main content of this research covers the following categories: 1) The public’s viewpoints on the scope of eGovernment services 2) The public’s viewpoints on the transparency level of eGovernment information 3) The public’s viewpoints on the reasons of supporting eGovernment 4) The public’s additional recommendations on the implementation of eGovernment


13.李仲彬(2006),電子化政府的公民使用行為: 數位資訊能力與資訊素養之影響分析,南華大學資訊社會研究,11,頁177-218。
31.葉俊榮(2004),電子化民主對民主政治發展之意涵,研考雙月刊第28 卷,第4 期,頁12-24。
