  • 學位論文


After Financial Tsunami,research of Loan Default Factors for Small and Medium Enterprises--A Case Study of C Commercial Bank

指導教授 : 丘邦翰


延續2008 年「金融海嘯」衝擊,衍生性金融商品泡沫化,市場需求低迷,以國內的金融業發展現況來說,中小企業授信不若個人授信之影響因素單純,故目前信用風險的評估及管理尚未臻完善,面對全球化的競爭、外商銀行帶著大量的經驗及資源競爭、整體大環境變化迅速及為迎合2010年7月再次修訂之新巴賽爾資本協定(BASEL III)規範,我國銀行如何維持利潤並兼顧授信品質成為銀行當前的重要課題,亦因此如何建立準確度高且完善的風險評量工具及制度是現階段的重點目標,期能以更有效率的模式推展中小企業授信。 本研究利用羅吉斯迴歸研究影響中小企業違約之關鍵非財務因素,並由個案商業銀行隨機抽取2008年至2010間之126戶正常戶及42戶違約戶共計168個樣本。研究結果發現,於非財務變數中,「營業期間」、「負責人信用卡使用資訊」、「負責人是否動用個人信用貸款」其違約比例具有顯著差異。本研究利用顯著非財務變數建立中小企業授信違約預警模型,其預測能力達82%。此研究結果期能提供商業銀行於中小企業授信時,作為授信決策及風險管理之參考,以減少逾期放款之產生。


Along the impact of Financial Tsunami 2008, derivatives bubbled and the market demand remains downturn. As current development for financial business in Taiwan, the influential factors of loaning for small-and-medium enterprises(SMEs) are not as simple as for individual loaning, therefore, the measurement and management of loaning risk are not well complete yet. In order to face competition from foreign banks, global environment, and to cater for the revision of New Basel Accord III in July, 2010, how can our commercial banks maintain the profit and meanwhile give consideration to loaning quality would be the most important topic. Also to creates a loan default precaution model and well developed measurement tool to promote SME loaning more efficiently is very important, too. This study uses logistic regression model to explore the key influential non-financial factors of loan default for SMEs. Under random sampling,this study gets 126 normal cases and 42 default cases during 2008-2010 from sample commercial bank. According to the result of this reaserch,in terms of non-financial factors,the ratio of default business were significant differences on the elements of age of firm,the person in charge of uses the credit line of credit cards or revolving line or not, the person in charge of uses the credit loan. This study makes use of the non-financial factors and creats a loan default predicting model. The accurate ratio of the forecast is more than 82%. Provide useful informations to commercial banks in leding decision and risk management for SMEs to decrease the non-performing loans.


23.蔡明春 鄭青展 馮淑鈴 陳坤志(2009),中小企業貸款違約預警模式—以某商業銀行為例。
