  • 學位論文


A Study of Oral Hygiene Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior and Related Factors for Senior Graders of Elementary Schools in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 劉宜君


摘 要 本研究旨在探討桃園縣國小高年級學生口腔衛生行為現況及其相關因素。以分層叢集抽樣方式,對桃園縣960名國小高年級學生進行問卷調查,回收有效率97.8%。調查所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Peason積差相關係數與複迴歸分析等方法來進行統計分析。 研究發現:桃園縣國小高年級學生在本研究口腔衛生知識量表得分普通,有部分錯誤觀念仍須釐清,但具有良好的口腔衛生態度與行為。學生之口腔衛生行為,則因其性別、主要照顧者社經地位、是否上過口腔保健課程和是否有蛀牙而有所差異。女學生、主要照顧者為高社經與中社經地位學生、上過口腔保健課程的學生與沒有蛀牙的學生有較好的口腔衛生行為。學生之口腔衛生知識、態度與行為呈現兩兩正相關,且態度與行為的相關程度高於知識與行為。 根據研究發現,本研究對教育行政機關提出建議:將重要口腔保健課程納入課程計畫;對學校教師建議:一、設計實作課程。二、釐清學生錯誤或不清楚觀念。三、督促學生培養良好口腔衛生行為;對家長建議:注意孩童口腔健康;對口腔保健相關單位建議:提供保健宣導或免費診療等服務,以期照顧低社經學生口腔健康。


The main aims of the study are to discuss oral hygiene behavior and related factors for senior graders of elementary schools in Taoyuan County. 960 senior graders who were chosen by stratified cluster design (valid samples 97.8%) separately accepted a questionnaire in order to collect the crucial information for the present study. The data was analyzed by the statistic methods of descriptive statistics, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Peason’s r and multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that goals for the target samples about oral hygiene knowledge are common, and some wrong ideas about hygiene knowledge need to be defined more clearly. Moreover, goals for the target samples about oral hygiene attitude and behavior are good. Significant differences are found in senior students’ oral hygiene behavior among different gender, the social-economical status of the main caregiver, whether learners have acquired lessons of oral health care or not, and whether they have a decayed tooth or not. The students who are female, having acquired lessons of oral health care, having no decayed tooth, or whose main caregivers are from higher social-economical status show better oral hygiene behavior. Additionally, oral hygiene knowledge and oral hygiene attitude of learners show significant positive correlation between each other, and moreover, the oral hygiene behavior and the previous two factors also appear significant positive correlation. However, the correlation between the attitude and the behavior of learners is more significant than the knowledge and the behavior of learners. According to the results, the present study would like to give suggestions to the administrative organizations: The crucial oral health care lessons need to be involved in national curriculum. Suggestions to the teachers of elementary schools: Teachers should focus more on hands-on learning, and some wrong ideas about hygiene knowledge need to be defined more clearly. Furthermore, teachers have to urge students to develop good oral hygiene behavior. Suggestions to the parents: Pay attention to oral health of children. Suggestions to The Department of Health: Health care guidance and free medical care have to be provided for taking care of oral health of students whose main caregivers are from lower social-economical status.


