  • 學位論文

台灣國中生對於零食包裝上英文察覺之研究: 以巧克力、夾心餅乾、 及洋芋片為例

A Study of Taiwanese Junior High School Students' Awareness on English Labeling of Snack Packaging: The Case of Chocolate, Sandwich Biscuit and Potato Chips

指導教授 : 柯宜中


本研究主旨在探討台灣國中生對於常見零食包裝上英文的體認,其研究動機是在補足先前生活英文對於學生在自我覺知學習影響的研究之缺。目前尚無任何文獻研究零食包裝上的英文對於國中生在英文自我覺知學習的報告,是故,本研究對於國中生是否注意零食包裝上的英文標示、國中生對於零食包裝上英文標示的注意和體認程度、包裝上英文標示對於國中生英文自我覺知學習的影響,以及檢驗不同的社會因素,如:性別、年級、居住地、英語興趣、英語信心…等因素如何與國中生對於英文標示的注意、體認及英文自我覺知學習的相關性來試圖進行探討。 本研究以基隆市、新北市及桃園縣三個縣市共三所國中的兩百八十一位國一、國二及國三生為研究對象。這些學生所完成的問卷內容皆被收集、統計、並做量化分析。此外,本研究也將學生受訪談的內容做質化的詮釋與分析,以期輔助解釋學生對於問卷內容的回應。 根據質化及量化的分析,研究結果顯示,高達92.5%有吃零食的國中生皆會注意到包裝上的英文標示且其中有50%的學生能夠把英文標示正確的寫出來。贊成英文標示對於國中生在英文自我覺知學習有正面影響的百分比高於持反對意見的國中生至少20%。在社會因素方面,女學生、英語興趣及英語信心較高者比較會注意包裝上的英文; 同時,其對於英語體認程度較高、也較贊成包裝英文對於自我覺知英文單字學習有正面影響。經由零食包裝上的英文標示對國中生英文自我覺知學習所進行的研究調查,本研究期許能夠提升生活英語在學生自我覺知學習的影響,再者,本研究調查結果或許能夠提供英文教師未來運用生活英文進行英語教學課程設計上一項具有重要意義的參考。


The purpose of this study is to examine Taiwanese junior high school students' awareness on English labeling of snack packaging. The motivation of this study is driven by the dearth in previous studies on the effect of daily English on learners' self-perceived English learning. No study discussed about the effect of English labeling of snacks on learners’ attitudes toward self-perceived vocabulary learning. This study attempts to find out the students’ degree of attention to and awareness on English labeling, the effect of English labeling on self-perceived vocabulary learning, and possible social factors that might relate to their attention, awareness and self-perceived vocabulary learning on English labeling. Nine seventh grades to ninth grades in three junior high schools in Keelung City, New Taipei City and Taoyuan County, total of 281 students were recruited in this study. All of the participants were required to finish a questionnaire and then thirteen participants were chosen to be interviewed by the researcher. Questionnaire data were analyzed quantitatively; in addition, the data on the students' opinions in the interview were transcribed and analyzed qualitatively. On the basis of the quantitative and qualitative analyses, the findings indicate that 92.5% of the students pay attention to the English labeling of snack packaging, while only about 50% of the students can correctly write down the vocabulary. Students with positive attitude toward the effect of English labeling of snack packaging on self-perceived vocabulary learning are at least 20% more than those with negative opinions. Female students and the students with higher level of English interest and confidence not only pay more attention to and awareness more on English labeling but also agree more on the positive effect of the labeling on self-perceived English vocabulary learning. The results of this study are expected to advance the understanding of the effect of daily English on learners’ English learning, and may potentially influence instructional designs among teachers who are interested in applying a supplementary material into the regular curriculum.


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