  • 學位論文


The Study of Graceful Ageing

指導教授 : 陳啟光




This study intends to present a comprehensive graceful ageing study in the ageing issues. In response to the social needs of a rapidly increasing older population, many countries have given high attention in the ageing issues, and have provided various long-term care strategies to facilitate independent living of older people. However, these strategies are still facing great challenges in the insufficient service resources. The present study thus addresses these challenges by proposing a research framework of graceful ageing. In this framework, it involves six research areas: ageing service system, ageing coping model, ageing policy & institutionalization, ageing product & service design, ageing physiology & psychology and ageing technology. Meanwhile, the research also presents two studies, which is to develop a graceful ageing model and to propose a TRIZ-based service-system innovation model for ageing-in-place. The research implications and findings are discussed in the study.


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