  • 學位論文


A Study Of Dynamic Banners On Advertising Design Style.

指導教授 : 鄭月秀


近年來,網路媒體的迅速崛起,線上遊民數字隨之升高,廣告主開始意識到Banner廣告的重要性,也體認了一件好廣告對於企業整體形象的塑造或推廣具有顯著的影響。過往的研究中,經常提及廣告的效果呈現、訊息內容或是互動性等,至今仍沒有一套完整的視覺設計探究其中。 本研究以設計者的角度切入,探訪現階段活躍於市場上的動態式Banner,掌握各風格的設計元素,了解網路廣告市場的現況。為達此目的,研究中以兩個面向為出發點,一是第十五屆到第十九屆得獎作品的A樣本金犢獎廣告,另一是五大熱門入口網站的B樣本商業式廣告,並採內容分析法進行解構歸納,經過AB樣本交叉比對的結果,共提出下列7項動態式Banner的設計要素:1.『表現手法』:掌握「文字應用」、「實體影像」和「插畫繪形」等表現手法,有助於Banner廣告創意發想階段。2.『主題符碼』:「品牌符碼」、「生活符碼」和「塗鴉符碼」是設計師最為廣泛應用的主題符碼。3.『構成形式』:運用「對比」、「連續」和「漸序」等構成形式,是加強廣告本身的鮮明度以及產生規律流暢性的重要元素。4.『邀請式動態圖像』:「原地浮現」、「文字敘述」和「上下移動」是邀請式動態圖像最通用的顯示模式。5.『時間』:「6~10秒」和「11~15秒」是優秀的Banner時間區段。6.『尺寸』:「350*200」、「350*100」和「420*80」尺寸比例為入口網站最常使用的廣告尺寸。7. 綜合Banner設計元素的乘法概念是有效提高創意的設計手法。


金犢獎 Banner 廣告設計 風格


The rapid emergence of Internet media in recent years has led to the increase of Internet surfers. Advertisers, as a result, have started to realize the importance of banner advertisements. They are also aware of the significant influence of a good advertisement on the creation or promotion of corporate image. In previous researches, a lot of attention was paid to the expression techniques, message-delivering skills or interactive designs used in the advertisements. No integrated study, however, has been conducted so far on the visual design of banner advertisements. Through the viewpoint of a designer, the researcher endeavors to study the moving banners which currently prevail in the market, trying to understand the diversified design elements and the trends in the Internet advertising market. To achieve these purposes, the research has been conducted using two major approaches: The first approach is to study the winning works of the 15th-19th Advertisement Golden Calf Prizes (Sample A). The second approach is to study the commercial advertisements of the top five portal websites (Sample B). Using the Content Analysis Method, the researcher has gone through a deconstructive analysis and generalization process as well as a cross-check of Sample A and Sample B, and highlighted the following seven design elements for moving banners: 1. “Technique of Expression”: The designers have to master diversified techniques including the “Application of Writing”, “Physical Images” and “Illustrations”. These help to inspire creative thinking at the brainstorming stage for the banners. 2. “Theme Codes”, “Brand Code”, “Life Code” and “Graffiti Code” are the most widely used theme codes by designers. 3. “Constitution and Form”: “Contrast”, “Repetition” and “Gradation” are a few of the important elements used to enhance the vividness of the advertisement; creating a feeling of regularity and smoothness. 4. “Invitation-based Moving Images”: The most commonly-used display models include “Emerging right before your eyes”, “Description in Writing” and “Moving up and down”. 5. “Time”: “6~10 seconds” and “11 -15 seconds” are the time intervals adopted by the most outstanding banners. 6. “Size”: “350*200”, “350*100” and “420*80” are the sizes most commonly used by the portal websites. 7. The Multiplication Concept that integrates all the Banner design elements is also considered as an effective design approach to increase the creativity of the advertisement.


Golden Calf Award Banner Advertising Design Style




Shih, P. A. (2017). 家醫科與內分泌科糖尿病照護品質之比較 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201702571
