  • 學位論文


The Causes and Consequences of Job Burnout among Workers of Performing Arts Administration and Management in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉蕙苓


本研究旨在了解臺灣藝術行政管理從業人員職業倦怠現象,並分析職業倦怠與其前因、影響間之關係。 表演藝術領域中,藝術家發揮其創作、演奏與詮釋的能力成為生產的主體,藝術行政管理人員則協助處理行政管理工作,並扮演藝術家、組織連接外部的橋樑。近年來,隨臺灣表演藝術組織日漸朝現代化發展,藝術行政管理工作專業角色愈發彰顯。然而表演藝術組織資源有限,組織經常未能雇用足夠人力完成工作。過往研究顯示從業人員處於倦怠耗竭的狀態,可能與不如人意的勞動環境有關。 本研究以MBI-GS為基礎,將職業倦怠分為耗竭、譏誚態度、專業效能低落,採問卷調查法對「任職於臺灣非公立表演藝術團體從事營運行政管理相關工作並領有報酬人士」進行調查,分析前因變項角色壓力、工作負荷、社會支持職業倦怠之關係,並探討職業倦怠是否影響影響變項:組織承諾、離職意願。本研究共計回收252份有效問卷。 研究重要結果如下:(一)從業人員的職業倦怠呈中等,其中以「耗竭」得分最高。(二)人口統計變項中,不同生理性別、年齡、月平均收入在職業倦怠不同構面有顯著差異。(三)組織變項中,不同從業年資、服務年資、是否為主管職、藝術類型在職業倦怠不同構面有顯著差異。(四)角色壓力、工作負荷對耗竭有顯著正向影響,社會支持則對耗竭有顯著負向影響。(五)角色模糊、角色衝突、工作負荷對譏誚態度有顯著正相關,社會支持則對譏誚態度有負向影響。(六)角色模糊可正向預測專業效能低落,角色衝突對專業效能低落呈負相關,而僅同事支持能負向預測專業效能低落。(七)社會支持在「角色壓力─耗竭」、「角色壓力─譏誚態度」、「工作負荷─耗竭」間具部分中介效果;上司支持在「工作負荷─譏誚態度」間具部分中介效果;同事支持在「角色過度負荷─專業效能低落」間具完全中介效果。(八)耗竭與離職意願正相關,而與留職承諾負相關。譏誚態度與離職意願正相關,而與價值承諾、努力承諾、留職承諾負相關。專業效能低落則與價值承諾、努力承諾負相關。


Artists are considered as the core in the field of performing arts because of their ability in arts and creation, while workers of art administration and management serve as the bridge between arts, artists and the public by providing assistance and labor. Over past decades in Taiwan, the work of art administration and management becomes more important and irreplaceable while performing arts organizations become more modernized. However, due to the limited resource of performing arts organizations, they are not able to hire enough employees to complete the work. Previous worker-related studies often described the workers are exhausted and attribute it to the poor work environment and condition. The main purpose of this study is to comprehend the job burnout phenomenon among workers of performing arts administration and management in Taiwan. As the result, this study examines job burnout status, and also the relationship between job burnout, its causes, and consequences. The participants are the workers of performing arts administration, operation, and management in Taiwan, who are employed and paid by non-public performing arts organizations. By questionnaire research, the study examines the relationship between job burnout and its causes: role stress, workload, social support, also the relationship between job burnout and its consequences: turnover intension and organization commitment. Data were collected from 252 effective questionnaires. The results showed that: (1) “Exhaustion” gets the highest degree in the three dimensions of job burnout. (2) The workers who are “26-30” years old, “20-25” years old, male or whose average monthly income is between “NT$20,001- 30,000” have the higher degree in different dimensions of job burnout. (3) The workers who are non-supervisor, working in the organization of music, modern drama, traditional drama, or whose year of working experience or seniority is between “1-5” year(s) have the higher degree in different dimensions of job burnout. (4) Role stress and workload have significant positive influence on exhaustion, while social support has a significant negative influence on exhaustion. (5) Role ambiguity and role conflict have significant positive influence on cynicism, while social support has a significant negative influence on cynicism. (6) Higher role ambiguity resulted in higher reduced professional efficacy, but role conflict had a significant negative influence on it. Higher co-worker support results in lower reduced professional efficacy. (7) The relationship between role stress and exhaustion is partially mediated by social support as well as the relationship between role stress and cynicism. The relationship between workload and exhaustion is partially mediated by social support. Supervisor support completely mediated the relationship between workload and cynicism while co-worker support partially mediated the relationship between role overload and reduced professional efficacy. (8) Exhaustion has significant positive influence on turnover intention but has a negative influence on retention commitment. Cynicism has significant positive influence on turnover intention but has a negative influence on organizational commitment. Reduced professional efficacy has a negative influence on value commitment and effort commitment.


