  • 學位論文


The Performing Arts of Taiwanese Opera Clown Chen Sheng-Zai

指導教授 : 簡秀珍


表演藝術是一門將「人」置身於作品之中的藝術,即便有實況錄影或錄音,仍無法取代現場演出所帶給觀眾的臨場感,於是表演藝術連結了「演員」與「觀眾」的密切關係,而演員的成就與否通常也取決於觀眾喜好的取向,形成一種「明星藝術」。本論文主要研究對象為享有「臺灣第一丑角」美譽的陳勝在,其以靈活即興的表演風格與熱絡的觀眾互動,使之一反逆勢於坤生當道的主流文化中異軍突起,成為深受歡迎的演員,在歌仔戲界佔有極重要的地位,近年更於舞臺劇跨界演出而獲得廣大迴響。 本研究欲探討之方向有三:陳勝在的個人背景與特質對其表演之影響、表演技巧的統整與分析,以及造成其傑出表現之因素。筆者透過演員訪談以及文獻資料的輔助,從而瞭解陳勝在的成長背景、家庭教育所造成的影響、個人特質與優勢,並就現場表演與影音資料的觀察,歸納出舞臺表演中製造「笑果」的慣用手法與表現型態,其中肢體的身段特色包括步伐與站姿的「輕浮」狀態、經常出現的手部小動作與女性化特質,以及自創身段的表演身法和動漫化的外部呈現方式;表演技巧部份則指出了情緒、節奏與呼吸為掌控氛圍的要素。本文也進一步討論陳勝在的創作理念,並從作品分析中,統整其表演詮釋的創造思考進程與實踐。


The Performing Arts is a form of art which set “people” within the artwork. Even with the audiovisual recording technique, the presence and atmosphere of live performance are still irreplaceable. The success of actors and actresses usually depend on the preference of the audience, and become a “Star Art”. This thesis is mainly observing Chen Sheng-Zai, who is called “the best clown in Taiwan”, his flexible and way-out performance style and comradery interaction with the audience. These kinds of performance styles allow him to become a popular actor and stand out contrarily against the mainstream of Taiwanese opera which kun-sheng usually is the core of the play. Except taking an important spot in Taiwanese opera, he also crossed the field performing in the drama and has been well-liked. This research will extend in three perspectives: how Chen Sheng-Zai’s background and personalities influence his performance, description and analysis of his performance skills, and the reasons of his excellent performance. Through personal interview and support of the reference, I have a better understanding of his background, family education, personalities and strength. Accompany with the observation of his live performance and audiovisual material, there is a routine and performance type for him to let audience roar with laughter on the stage. The tips include the body posture, such as the way he walks, stands, moves and feminine characteristics, and basic martial are movements and animated performance style. His performance skills point out the keys of how emotions, tempo and breathe can control the atmosphere in the theatre. This research will also discuss Chen Sheng-Zai’s art-creating philosophy through analyze his arts, interpretation, process of art creation and how he put these into practice.


1988 《臺灣歌仔戲的發展與變遷》。臺北:聯經。
2011 〈東方即興劇場:歌仔戲「做活戲」的演員即興表演機制和養成訓練〉
Bergson, Henri


