  • 學位論文


The Impact of International Experiences and Personality Traits on Donation Willingness to Non-profit Organizations

指導教授 : 何怡慧


外界捐款對於非營利組織的組織運作扮演非常關鍵的角色。而近年來各種非營利組織的蓬勃發展,也使非營利組織在獲得外界資源上備受競爭與挑戰。因此,了解捐款意願之影響因素也成為非營利組織一項重要的課題。 一般認為,個人的國際經驗將影響一個人的看待事情的觀點,而人格特質也往往會影響個人的行為,兩項都是影響人類決策相當重要的因素。但目前較少研究探索個人的國際經驗以及人格特質對非營利組織捐款意願之影響。另外,由於目前台灣已逐漸邁向高齡化社會,非營利老人慈善機構無疑地將逐漸受到重視,但目前較少以個人因素切入,對非營利老人慈善機構之捐款意願進行探討。 因此,本研究以非營利老人慈善機構為研究對象,探討個人國際經驗及人格特質對於非營利老人慈善機構捐款意願之影響,並納入受測者人口基本變項一同探討。研究結果發現,個人的國際經驗多寡對於非營利老人慈善機構的捐款意願並無顯著影響,國際經驗豐富與否,與是否有意願捐款給非營利老人慈善機構似乎並無顯著關聯。在人格特質方面,開放性人格特質對於非營利老人慈善機構的捐款意願有顯著正向之影響。同時,本研究的女性受測者相較於男性有較高之捐款意願。


Outside donation plays a crucial role in maintaining operations of non-profit organizations (NPOs). Owing to the thriving of various kinds of non-profit organizations in recent years, it has been challenging and competitive for NPOs to obtain resources from outside contributors. Therefore, understanding factors that influence the donation willingness of contributors has been essential to NPOs. It is generally considered that international experiences of individuals will influence his/her perspectives, and personality traits can also affect personal behavior; however, very few studies investigate the impact of international experiences and personal traits on donation willingness to NPOs. Moreover, because of the trends of becoming an aged society in Taiwan, NPOs of elderly charities have no doubt gained increasing attention. Nevertheless, there is little research exploring the impact of personal factors on donation willingness to NPOs of elderly charities. Accordingly, the study takes NPOs of elderly charities as research subjects, and investigates the impact of international experiences, personality traits, and some demographic variables on donation willingness to NPOs of elderly charities. The findings of the study indicate that international experiences have no significant influences in donation willingness to NPOs of elderly charities. Regarding personal traits, openness personality reveals significant and positive impact on donation. Meanwhile, female participants have significant higher donation willingness than their male counterparts.


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