  • 學位論文


The Conservation and Variation of Poetry Style in English Translations of Li Bai’s Poems

指導教授 : 李 恭 蔚


翻譯使詩歌穿越時空距離及語言文化的重重障礙而流傳散佈,然而翻譯亦如一片多角稜鏡,經過層層折射之後,譯文所呈現出的光彩樣貌往往與原詩有所出入。本論文之目的在於從文體形式、詩歌內容、意象組合、意境旨趣等不同層面,分析李白詩歌在英譯後的風格變化現象,並由此觀點探討譯文與原文之關係,及詩歌翻譯評論等相關問題。在文獻回顧部分,首先回顧漢語古典詩歌風格的描述方式,及詩歌翻譯之相關理論,並確定以「言─意─象─境」之文本層次系統作為基本架構分析詩歌與譯文之間的風格變化。研究主要針對所蒐集之李白詩歌英譯文本,分析本研究所提出關於漢詩英譯風格變化的幾個問題,包括:(1) 漢詩英譯文體形式的轉變;(2) 從漢、英語言特性及文化語境等觀點,探討「言─意─象─境」各層次間的聯結關係在語際翻譯中的錯位現象;(3) 從「語言依附性」的角度,解釋詩歌風格要素之相對可譯度;(4) 以譯文對於原文內容之「忠實度」及對於譯入語讀者「可讀性」所建構之二維圖示,說明「一詩多譯」現象中各譯文與原文間之相對位置,以進一步解釋詩歌翻譯批評之不同觀點與標準劃定等問題。


Poems spread across languages and cultural barriers through translation. However, in the process the forms of the source poems are altered, and the styles changed. The purpose of this thesis is to study the variation of linguistic and literary styles in poetry translation, including the prosody, forms, literal meanings and connotations, imageries and poetry implications, from the original Li Bai’s poems to their corresponding English translated versions. Based on a review of literature focused on methodology of stylistic analysis for classical Chinese poems and theories of literary translation, a multi-level stylistic framework was constructed for the purpose of this study. Examples of various English translations of Li Bai’s poems were given as illustrations for discussion on the following issues: (1) the transformation of textural forms in the English translation of Chinese classical poems; (2) misalignment of stylistic elements (words, meaning, imageries and poetic implications) in poetry translation (from Chinese into English, in this study) and across cultural borders; (3) the relative translatability and cross-culture adaptability of stylistic elements in regard to their adherence to linguistic characteristics; (4) comparison of various translation strategies and their effects on the translation in terms of “representing the source text” and “adaptation for the target-language readers,” with a diagram designed for integrating the dual criteria of translation loyalty and readability and its implications on translation criticisms.


