  • 學位論文


A Study on Changes in Family Characteristics and the Household’s Homeownership Decisions in Tainan-A Comparison between 1990 and 2000

指導教授 : 謝博明


本研究主要探討國內家戶擁屋決策,隨著時間變遷與地區不同之關係與影響,並以台南縣市為研究範圍。重點在分析1990-2000年間台南縣市兩地區影響家戶擁屋決策因素的變化及差異性,亦利用二元羅吉特模型分析影響變化的因素與影響程度,並且比較台南縣市兩地區間時間變化與城鄉差異所隱含之意義。首先,探討一般家戶擁屋之決策,其次,將年齡變數由連續變數變成次序變數,研究隱含在不同年齡層家戶之不同家庭特性,包含人口特性與社會經濟特性之住宅需求,進一步探討不同年齡層之家戶擁屋決策之間的差異。在資料與變數部分採用行政院主計處「戶口及住宅普查」之問項資料,探討擁有擁屋能力及其為家戶主要經濟支撐者,因此使用家庭戶長之資料。 經由實證結果歸納出影響擁屋重要的因素,包含戶長年齡、戶長婚姻狀況、家戶人口數、戶長職業、戶長教育程度,以及戶長年所得對於1990-2000年台南縣市地區擁屋決策有顯著之影響。顯示這10年之間戶長年齡為影響台南縣市擁屋之最重要因素,其次為家戶人口數為2人以下,再來戶長年所得也顯得愈來愈重要。而相對於戶長職業為農業之變數,在2000年卻顯得較無影響性,推測可能因產業型態的轉變,戶長職業也由農業居多轉為以服務業居多。另外,各年齡層的擁屋模型中,戶長職業為農業之變數影響最為顯著,在賭倍比表中可看出,台南縣戶長職業為農業的影響程度大於台南市,其中61歲以上家戶戶長職業為農業的影響程度大於其他年齡層之家戶;而1990年戶長職業為農業的影響程度又大於2000年。 在1990-2000年台南縣市家戶擁屋決策模型的轉變,顯示家庭特性隨著時間、地區的發展而改變,雖然位於鄉村地區的台南縣,擁屋率較都市地區之台南市高,10年間家庭特性雖有轉變但並不明顯,反之台南市,由家戶擁屋決策模型中可知家庭特性轉變較大,顯示在鄉村地區與都市地區之間的發展不同,都市地區成長的快速,使得在擁屋行為的轉變較大。近幾年來,政府推出許多相關優惠貸款政策,鼓勵年輕家戶、低所得家戶購屋,影響不同地區與各年齡層家戶的擁屋因素,因此台南縣市間有不同的變遷現象發生。


This study primarily discusses the changes in the houehold’s homeownership decision and its differences between in Tainan city and Tainan county during 1990 and 2000. By using the Binary Logit Model, this study analyzes the househlod’s tenure choice-to own or not, and compare areas differences and also discusses their changes in the last decade. This study divides the household by four age groups and analyzes the impacts of the changes in different age group households’ family demographic and socio-economic characteristics on their homeownership decisions. The results show that the household head’s age, marriage status, education, occupation, and income, and also the household size have significant influences on their homeownership decisions in both Tainan city and Tainan county areas. Among these above factors, the household head’s age has become the most important determinant, followings are the household’s size, especially the couple households, and househould heads income. In different age group models, it was found that household heads in agricultural jobs have the most important effect on their homeownership decisions especially in Tainan county during 1990. Elderly household heads in agricultural jobs have the most significant and important effect, compared to other age groups. The empirical results suggest that the changes in family characteristics have significant impacts on the changes in the household’s homeownership decisions. In fact, the changes in household’s homeownership decisions behavior during the last decade were also affected by the development differences between urban and rural areas. The rapid development in urban areas has been one of important forces to change households’ homeownership decisions. Recently, the government’s mortgage subsidies to the first time homebuyers have the important effect on younger and lower income hoseholds.


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