  • 學位論文


A study of varicosis for electronic manufacturing industry workers

指導教授 : 李素幸
共同指導教授 : 蘇世斌


國內職場中以製造業勞工人數最多,電子製造業勞工工時長又兼長時站立,在重力作用下長時站立會影響下肢靜脈的回流,容易引發下肢靜脈曲張傾向的健康問題。目前國內缺乏對製造業勞工或男性族群的危害評估及數據,因此本研究以南部科學園區的電子業製造業男女勞工為對象進行調查。本研究採橫斷研究法,以自我評估之問卷為調查工具,收集研究對象之目前及過去工作史、靜脈曲張傾向及其他下肢症狀、下肢健康保護措施、靜脈曲張傾向家族史、個人基本資料等。 研究共調查共發出1,350份問卷,有效樣本為817份(60.5%)。研究分析顯示:依照CEAP分類,35%電子業從業人員自我報告出現症狀,男性族群中有15%,而女性族群中有52.5%;多因子分析顯示女性勞工的靜脈曲張傾向危險高過於男性勞工OR (Odds Ratio)為7.72 (95% CI=5.32-11.21)。 在個人因素中,靜脈曲張傾向盛行率隨著年齡的增加而漸高,多因子分析結果顯示30歲以後女性靜脈曲張傾向的危險呈現倍增的情形,在30-34歲 OR為2.22 (95% CI=1.07-4.60)及35歲以上OR為2.17 (95% CI=1.02-4.62);家族史也是一個與靜脈曲張傾向相關的危險因子OR 為4.16 (95% CI=2.49-6.96)。 在工作因素中,半年內每日工作時數12小時或更高者靜脈曲張傾向危險性倍增,女性OR為2.43 (95% CI=1.09-5.41);女性立姿工作年資8年及更多之族群OR為2.05 (95% CI=1.05-4.01)。 本研究發現在電子製造業從業人員中,女性有較嚴重的靜脈曲張傾向問題,短期每日工作12 小時以上或長期站立工作是所有潛在危害工作因素中最顯著的兩個因素,建議業界能正視勞工靜脈曲張傾向的問題,並將之納入職場健康促進的計畫中。


In Taiwan, manufacturing industry employed the greatest number of workers. Most electronic manufacturing industry workers work for long working hours in a long standing position. Under the influence of gravity, long standing position might affect venous return over lower extremities, which easily causes varicosis health problem. Currently, there are not sufficient informations regarding to varicosis in manufacturing industry workers or male population. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate varicosis occurrences among female and male electronic manufacturing industry woekres. This research was a cross-sectional study, using self-evaluated questionnaire as the tool for the survey, which collected information on current and previous work history, varicosis tendency, other lower extremities symptoms, methods for lower extremity protection, family history, and personal characteristics. This study administered 1,350 questionnaires to the electronic manufacturing industry works at the Southern Scientific Park, with 817 effective samples in return (61% of the response rate). Based on the criteria of CEAP, 35% of the workers self-reported of varicosis tendency (class 1 to class7), where 15% of the male workers reported, and 53% of the female workers reported, the tendency. Multivariate analysis has shown that female workers were having higher risk of varicosis tendency than male workers, OR=7.72 , 95% CI=5.32-11.21. For personal characteristics, prevalence of the varicosis tendency graduately increasd by age; multivariate analysis showed that for female workers after 30 years of age, the risk of varicosis tendency reached two folds, such that compared to femle workers aged less than 25, OR were 2.22 (95% CI=1.07-4.60) for aged 30-34 and 2.17 (95% CI=1.02-4.62) for aged over 35. Family history of varicosis was found to be a risk factors, OR=4.16, 95% CI=2.49-6.96. For factors associated with work, the risk of of varicosis tendency increased around 2 folds for workers who worked averaged 12 hours or more a day, especially for female workers with the OR 2.43 (95% CI=1.09-5.41). Also, female workers who used to work in a long hour standing position for more than 8 years, the OR was 2.05 (95% CI=1.05-4.01). This study found that among electronic manufacturing industry workers, female workers have higher varicosis tendency than male workers. Working for more than 12 hours a day in a short term or long standing hours in a long term are two most prominent work-related factors. We suggest the industry concern health problems associated with varicosis and incorporate it into their health promotion programs.


