  • 學位論文


Impact Analysis of the Operation of Taiwan High Speed Rail on Employees-Case Study of Tainan Metropolis Areas

指導教授 : 周士雄


台灣高速鐵路於民國九十六年一月底正式通車,屆時台北到高雄只需要九十分鐘,未來勢必對產業會有更深切的影響。國內外研究探討高速鐵路對產業的發展多以過去資料預測未來通車後的情況,基於這項原因,本研究擁有台灣高速鐵路通車後的資料可以進行分析,其準確性更能合乎現實層面。 在實證分析方面,本研究建立二級與三級就業人口之多元迴歸模型。在二級就業人口方面,有顯著關係的變數包括高鐵可及性、工業區面積與登記家數;在三級就業人口方面,有顯著關係的變數包括高鐵可及性、商業區面積與登記家數。 研究結果發現台灣高速鐵路通車後對二級與三級就業人口比通車前較為顯著,原因在於台灣高速鐵路通車後之可及性優於通車前,其服務影響範圍也較通車前更大。產業在台灣高速鐵路車站鄰近鄉鎮市區設廠或增加服務據點,其中以台南縣新營市、永康市、新市鄉、安定鄉與台南市增加較多,提供當地二級與三級就業人口更多的工作機會。 本研究分析完成後並檢視過去相關研究得知,過去研究預測的結果其實是與本研究大致相符的,瞭解台灣高速鐵路真正提供就業人口相當大的成長。唯一不同的是二級產業中的科技產業是過去研究常被忽略探討的項目,才會認為二級產業在台灣高速鐵路通車後不如三級產業來的顯著。本研究則將科技產業納入探討,得到台灣高速鐵路通車後不管是對二級或三級產業都是非常有正面的影響性及顯著性。


Taiwan High Speed Rail was officially operated at the end of January in 2007. It takes only 90minutes from Taipei to Kaohsiung. The future of the industry is bound to be more deeply affected. Domestic and foreign researches on high speed railway toward the development of industries rely more on the information from the past to predict the future after the transporting of HSR. For this reason, this research contains the information of the operation of Taiwan High Speed Rail, which can be analyzed to build the accuracy to more realistic level. From the empirical analysis in this research, the establishment of second and third employees is set up according to multiple regression model. In second employees, the significant relationship variables include accessibility of high speed railway, industrial areas and the number of the industrial registered . In third employees, the significant relationship variables include accessibility of high speed railway, commercial areas and the number of the commercial registered. The results of the research show that the affection of Taiwan High Speed Rail on second and third employees is more remarkable than before. This is because after the operation of Taiwan High Speed Rail, its services and transportation may be better than usual. Industrial factories near Taiwan High Speed Rail stations or in the neighborhood township of urban are set up to increase their service positions, including new entrants to the places such as Yong-Kong city, Sin-Shin township, An-Ding township of Tainan county and Tainan city. This change increases stability and provides provide the local second and third employees with more employment opportunities. After the completion of this research and based on the related research over the past observation, the results of the past research forecast is broadly in line with this research. And we get better understanding of Taiwan High Speed Rail in bringing out the growth of substantial employees. The only difference is the technology industry of the second industries often overlooked in the past research on the project, which results in less significance in second industries after the operation of Taiwan High Speed Rail than third industries. The research here explores into the technology industry, which contributes to the conclusion that after the operation of Taiwan High Speed Rail, regardless of the second or third industries, the impact and influence toward these two industry fields are rather positive and significant.


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