  • 學位論文


Research on Digital Archive Licensing Issues for Public Museums

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


本研究首先從博物館傳統功能與館藏管理的面向,概括性地簡介其館藏管理可能涉及的各種法律問題以及博物館所擔負之任務;接著談博物館館藏管理在數位時代可能面臨的問題與因應之道;進一步並討論博物館在建立數位典藏時應注意的著作權法問題以及數位典藏授權所涉及之法規。 本研究並針對公立博物館之定位討論數位典藏授權相關議題;簡介現行法制下各公立博物館之定位外,並觀察外國博物館在建立數位典藏與授權上之作法與現況,就公立博物館改制為行政法人研議之。以故宮博物院授權業務之進行為例,探討公立博物館就數位典藏授權之作法是否有可議之處。 本研究並建議,博物館除了要建立針對典藏品原件之館藏管理政策外,包括館藏物件是否要數位化,數位化典藏要如何管理、應用等數位化典藏之管理亦須有明確完善之對策。博物館並且應著手擬定涵括授權策略在內的授權政策,以提升博物館在評估將採取的授權機制時之效率。


Based on the traditional functions of the museum and its collections management, this paper generally introduces relevant legal issues and the missions that the museum should undertake. Followed by the problems and the corresponding solutions that the museum might encounter in digital era, the copyright law issues and related standards of digital archive licensing are then discussed. This article researches digital archive licensing issues in connection with the role of public museums. Not only the role that public museums play is introduced, the status of foreign museums is also observed in considering about the mechanism of public museums’transforming into the Non-Departmental Public Bodies. This research takes the Palace Museum as an example to find out if there’s any problems needed to be solved in the digital archives. It is also proposed that the museum should set up a policy of management for collections and digital archives to work on issues, such as whether to digitize or not and how to manage and exploit digital archives. The museum should also make a licensing policy involving the strategies for promoting its efficiency.


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