  • 學位論文


Using Rhetorical Techniques to Introduce Presentations: A Comparison between TED Talks and Textbook Instruction

指導教授 : 張銪容


在英語為外國語的學習環境中,教師雖肯定簡報在英語學習中的重要性,但同時表達因較少的語言接觸及過分依賴制式化的教材內容,導致教學上的困難。因此教師多由影音資料提供學生除教科書以外更為豐富的語言接觸。而TED網站多元的內容、便利的取得管道,使TED演講成為教師熱門選擇。但網路資源使用的選擇多為教師個人偏好,或建基於個人教學經驗,缺乏研究基礎。除此之外,現行研究中,探討TED演講多為內容分析,並未就其簡報技巧做深入討論。 本研究目的旨為探討簡報技巧使用中,專業講者使用技巧與口語訓練教科書內所提供之開頭簡報技巧(rhetorical technique)差異比較;並採用Andeweg和De Jong於2004年提出的「開場白模型」(exordial model)為分析架構。該模型將開頭簡報技巧分為三大主要功能:吸引觀眾注意、建立與群眾之情感連結、給予主題背景知識三類;每類型功能中各有數種技巧以達該目的。研究中共採用四本臺灣常用英語口語訓練教科書及五十一篇TED開頭,分析其文本內容及TED講者使用的開頭簡報技巧,並比較兩者使用的開頭簡報技巧類型、頻率,及使用比例。 研究指出,教科書與TED講者於三類型功能技巧分別有其相同及相異之處:兩資料來源皆強調吸引觀眾注意和給予背景知識為演講開頭的主要目的、且皆較少使用與群眾建立情感連結的簡報開頭技巧;但教科書與TED演講會使用不同開頭簡報技巧達到吸引觀眾注意和給予知識背景的相同目的。如教科書偏好以提及相關人事時地,而TED講者則較常使用視覺或聽覺輔助和幽默等演講開頭技巧以吸引觀眾。本研究結果可幫助教師更有系統了解教科書及真實語料的異同,並更有效地使用於英語口語訓練教學。


English teachers in EFL context have often regarded oral presentations skills important but difficult to teach (Bruner, Sinwongsuwat & Radic-Bojanic, 2014; Jahan & Jahan, 2013; Vederber, Verderber & Sellnow, 2012). Although many EFL teachers try to bring in online resources to supplement their teaching, to date, little has been done to examine whether oral presentations delivered in real life contexts match the way they are taught in textbooks. The present study zooms in on the types of rhetorical techniques—strategies utilized by speakers to grab attention, build rapport, and help audience understand—found in presentations and examined whether and to what extent do techniques employed by expert presenters correspond to those taught in presentation textbooks. Introductions of 51 talks from the TED conference website and four commonly-used ESL/EFL textbooks were compiled for this study. Drawing on Andeweg and De Jong’s (2004) exordial model of introductions, the researchers analyzed the types and frequency of different rhetorical techniques taught in the selected textbooks and used in authentic presentations. The findings illustrate similar trend of aiming to help audience understand and gain the attention between the techniques used and taught. But the two data sources present discrepant use of rhetorical techniques to achieve the two purposes. The findings of the present study suggested that researchers and practitioners can transform the learning and instruction of oral presentation skills by systematically examine and evaluate authentic language materials available online.


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