  • 學位論文


The characteristic and factors in traffic hazard perception of youth motorcyclists

指導教授 : 王明揚


15至24歲之青年機車駕駛者道路交通事故死亡率僅次於高齡機車駕駛者,且青年族群以騎乘機車的死亡風險最高。文獻指出在各種不同駕駛技巧的組成中,唯有危害知覺和交通意外事故有相關。因此,本研究目的為探究青年機車駕駛者的危害知覺特性,並釐清駕駛者知覺交通危害時的判定因素。 本研究透過短片的方式呈現交通潛在危害,並搭配眼動儀紀錄駕駛者視覺掃描特性,同時利用SAGAT問卷的概念掌握駕駛者的危害知覺能力;接著,採用半結構式訪談針對危害知覺實驗的結果進行討論。最後,再針對青年機車駕駛者主觀危害留意度做訪談。 研究結果顯示青年機車駕駛者在都市地區有較短的凝視時間與較多的凝視點;在郊外地區則有較長的凝視時間與較少的凝視點,且青年機車駕駛者在郊外地區有較都市地區稍微好的危害知覺能力。整體而言,青年機車駕駛者遺漏危害的比例偏高。在危害判定訪談部分則顯示影響駕駛者行駛空間之因素最容易使駕駛者感受到降低行車安全;而自身未留意該因子與對自身駕駛技術具信心則是造成駕駛者遺漏危害的原因。而在主觀留意度方面,機車與大貨車分別是都市地區與郊外地區留意度最高的因子;其他靜物則是留意度最低的因子。 本研究基礎乃建立於人因工程之概念,透過了解青年機車駕駛者危害知覺特性與判定危害因素,可供相關單位做教育訓練的參考,補強其不足;亦可針對駕駛者提出的隱憂,進行人因性的改善與再設計。


These years, the traffic fatality rate of youth motorcyclists aged between 18 to 24 second only to elderly’. On the other hand, the highest risk rate cause to death in youth is riding motorcycle in Taiwan. Some literatures mention that only hazard perception has been found to relate to traffic accidents of all the different driving skill. Therefore, the research objective is to investigate characteristic of youth motorcyclists of traffic hazard perception and clarify their judgment reasons in detecting the hazards. A videos-based test, recorded eye movements of youth motorcyclists and measured their ability of hazard perception by using the concept of SAGAT. Then, clarify their judgment reasons of hazard through the semi-structured interview. The result show that the youth motorcyclists have shorter average fixation duration time and more fixation counts in urban area then in country area. And youth motorcyclists are better in ability of hazard perception in country area then in urban area. As a part of interview show that the major reason of detecting the hazard is affecting the travel space, and did not notice the event and having confidence in self driving skills are major reasons that missing the hazards. In sum, youth motorcyclists would miss most potential hazards no matter in urban area or in country area. The research was based on ergonomics. Applies information about youth motorcyclists’ characteristic and ability of hazard perception in traffic education and training to reinforce their hazard perception or redesign the traffic relate facilities would reduce the accident rate of youth motorcyclists.


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