  • 學位論文


The Everyday Making of the Nation —Governance and Anti-Consumption of China-Made Commodities in Taiwan

指導教授 : 姚人多


本論文試圖說明中國製造的商品如何成為當代台灣民族認同形構的重要環節。菁英取向的民族主義研究忽略了群眾動員的議題與民族觀念的擴散機制;相較之下,日常取向的民族主義研究認為民族認同是經由生活之中許多自然化的假設、論述與實踐所維繫並且持續地再生產,有助於我們分析特定民族認同為民眾所普遍接受的過程。本研究認為,分析中國商品所帶動的日常性治理網絡與反消費實踐可以解釋台灣民族認同如何成為台灣住民理所當然的觀念。 然而,日常生活取徑卻可能忽略了民眾日常生活與菁英民族主義政治方案的連結,使其無法解釋民族邊界與民族成員是如何被界定出來的。於是,本研究整合了日常生活與精英兩種取徑,亦即整合了台灣民族認同的日常形構與台灣民族主義的歷史路徑和政治議程,建立了三個變項:(A)日常消費實作。(B)本土陣營的尋票以及(C)全球化與兩岸政治經濟進程。以此來解釋中國商品如何在日常生活層次制度性地影響台灣民族認同。因此本研究不只處理中國商品的消費問題,也討論本土陣營的民族主義政治治理方案。 本研究發現,本土陣營所策動的對於中國商品的治理網絡,一方面是意義的治理,使得中國商品具備高度民族意涵;另一方面則透過產地標示系統的建立,讓產地差異的識別與民族差異的識別相互闡連,劃出一條自然化的民族邊界。對於消費者而言,中國商品同時意味著風險。在日常消費實作之中,個人面對中國商品的風險,反思性地展開新的生活規劃,並重構一套鑲嵌於民族脈絡的認同敘事。中國商品的治理和消費者對的反思性計畫相互配合,構成一般民眾認同於台灣民族的結構性路徑。全球化與兩岸政治經濟進程作為重要背景,促使了本土產業加入台灣民族主義的動員,改變了本土陣營的動員形式。這個轉變中的地緣政治也影響了台灣民族認同的臨界性結構。


民族主義 民族認同 商品 消費 治理 日常生活


This thesis attempts to address how China-made commodities become the critical banal object to the formation of contemporary Taiwanese national identity. China-made commodities as a daily case can explain how Taiwanese national identity becomes Taiwanese common sense, rather than Chinese national identity which is promoted by authoritarian government in the past. The elite-approach of nationalism research neglects the issues of mass mobilization and the mechanism of the spread of specific national identity. On the contrary, the everyday-approach suggests that national identity is articulated and reproduced through the everyday practice, such as consumption; nevertheless it may neglect the connection between mass and elites’ nationalism projects thus can not comprehend how the nation’s boundary be drawn and who are defined as “us”. I combine everyday-approach with elite-approach. That is, combine the daily formation of Taiwanese national identity with the Taiwanese nationalism historical process and the political agenda. This thesis establish three variables, including (A) everyday consumption practice. (B) vote-seeking of nationalism political camp.(C) the globalization and integration across the Taiwan Straits, to explain how China-made commodities affect Taiwanese national identity in daily level. My research argues that the governance network of China-made commodities programmed by nationalism political camp is governance of meaning process that nationalize China-made commodities. It also programs the institutions of country-of-origin labeling that defines the Taiwan and China’s national difference and map the naturalized national boundary. China-made commodities are the risks to the consumers. Through the everyday consumption practice, individual projects the specific life plan to face the risks of China-made commodities and re-writes the identity narrative which relates to Taiwanese national context. The globalization and integration across the Taiwan Straits as a essential background , crucially affect the established liminal structure of Taiwanese national identity which is structured by geo-politics.


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