  • 學位論文


Synergistic effect of hydrogen generation from sodium borohydride and waste aluminum can

指導教授 : 何青原


本研究是利用硼氫化鈉水解後所產生之鹼性環境來水解廢鋁罐以提升硼氫化鈉產氫效率。在產氫過程中,硼氫化鈉的濃度、酸加速劑的濃度、環境溫度及溶液本身的酸鹼值將會影響硼氫化鈉水解產氫的產氫速率及產氫的總量。在硼氫化鈉水解產氫與鋁水解產氫的疊加效應中,鋁的大小與其組成成分亦是其疊加效應中,重要的實驗參數,同時於產氫過程中所產生出的水氣,亦被驗證其使燃料電池的惡化相關。將產氫後的鋁罐副產物,通過掃描式電子顯微鏡、X光能譜分析儀及X光繞射儀來驗證硼氫化鈉水解產氫與鋁水解產氫的疊加效應。實驗結果可得於室溫下,6 wt%的硼氫化鈉有最佳的產氫效果,硼氫化鈉產氫過程中的酸鹼度會因溫度的升高而提高,降低總產氫量,卻也提升了鋁的水解產氫效率;同時,加入酸加速劑,使硼氫化鈉的產氫效率大大提升,降低反應時間,也抑制了鋁水解產氫的效果。加入除溼系統後的氫氣,經由濕度感測器可測得相對濕度為18%,且燃料電池的功率,雖未達到使用工業純氫的電性,但相較於通入未除溼之氫氣,除溼氫氣在通入燃料電池後有更好的發電功率。


This study is about synergistic effect of hydrogen generation from sodium borohydride (NaBH4) in the presence of waste aluminum can , using deionization water as a reactant with acid catalyst. The concentrations of NaBH4, acid catalyst sodium bisulfate (NaHSO4) and solution pH, temperature were found to have great amount influences on the hydrogen generation rate and hydrogen gas volume of hydrolysis of NaBH4 solution. The particle of aluminum size and composition made a difference to synergistic effect and the water vapor within hydrogen also affected the power of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC). The solid byproducts from the wasted NaBH4 solution were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscope(SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer(EDX) in a mean time. The results show that the maximum hydrogen volume obtained was 6% wt in the ultrasonic tank at room temperature and NaBH4 hydrolysis cause the solution pH elevated by rising temperature , limited the hydrogen generation capacity, but increased the hydrolysis from aluminum can for a long time. The reaction time decreased while using acid solution and NaHSO4, but limited hydrogen generation from Al can. After dehumidification, the hydrogen had 18% relative humidity in proton exchange membrane fuel cell and the power were less then pure hydrogen source but better then un-dehumidification.


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