  • 學位論文


Rethinking Corporate Governance for the Twenty-First Century: A Comparative Perspective Between Taiwan and U.S.A

指導教授 : 黃銘傑 高儷華


論文提要內容: 公司制度,是今日絢麗資本主義的產物,並於現代經濟生活中佔有舉足輕重的地位,對國民福祉亦產生重大影響,如果公司的終極目標,是為企業價值極大化,則當公司規模成長至極限時,自然產生許多的問題,在大型股份有限公司中,內部結構的矛盾與衝突,為當今公司治理(corporate governance)所面對的課題。惟因各國的經濟發展、政治、文化、法律與社會價值觀所存在的各種不同差異,也因此導致其各自面對不同的治理課題,因而產生不同的公司治理模式。 綜觀美國公司治理發展沿革與現況,主要源於自由市場經濟制度與法律制度安排,並因資本市場的高度蓬勃發展,配合各項政治、社會環境有利的因素、以及科技的創新與發明,此等各項因素交互融合的結果,產生美國特有的治理模式,且逐漸為其他國家所模仿、採行。最近,美國針對其現行治理機制所生之各項弊端,再度就其公司治理制度進行改革,改革重點乃是於單層制的架構下,進行董事會制度的改造,並進行外部審計監督機制的管理、增強公司高階主管對財務資訊精確性與揭露的責任。 相對於此,我國現行公司體制的內部監督模式中,監察人並未發會揮在制度設計上所期待的應有功能;甚至有論者以為,由於我國傳統公司機關之設計不宜輕易廢棄而宜繼續維持監察人、董事會與股東會之設計。此等主張似有忽視監察人制度與獨立董事制度實具有同質性與功能之替代性,從而基於成本效益與功能同質性的考量,實不宜一味採行獨立董事與獨立監察人制度並行之作法。 獨立董事制度的有效運行之關鍵因素:為「獨立性」、「能力」與「適當數量」的獨立董事,並確保獨立董事在董事會中的地位與功能。但我國獨立董事與獨立監察人制度並未全面落實至上市上櫃公司,且獨立董事與獨立監事人數比例佔全體董監人數未具有足夠約束力。質言之,我國獨立董監制度欲發揮足夠的獨立監督功能,似乎在現行法制基本架構下,尚有一段艱辛的改革路程要走。 有鑑於此,筆者針對現行公司治理的主要議題,就論文的規劃方向如下:第一章主要敘明研究動機與目的、研究方法及研究範圍與研究限制;第二章主要爲建構公司治理的基本概念與理論、與闡明當今公司治理所面對的問題;第三章至第四章乃介紹美國與我國公司治理發展與現況,期能有助於立法者作為鑑別擇優的依據。進而指出我國目前公司治理檢討方向;第五章經由綜合前面各章之研究與分析,具體提出我國公司治理改革思考方向。


Abstract: Corporate system differs in different capitalistic countries and has very important significances for a country’s welfare. It is said that corporate always aspires to maximize its value. The issue, however, is that structural conflicts inherent inside the large-scale corporate bring about many difficult corporate governance problems. Therefore, as different political, social, cultural and economic environments result in different corporate structures, different structural conflicts trigger different corporate governance dilemma. After making a comprehensive survey on USA’s corporate governance development, this thesis finds that vigorous capital market power is an important characteristic of American corporate system, and that many important governance mechanisms grow from the active capital market. Nonetheless the success of American system at latest days, many enterprise scandals reveal that there are still many problems inside the system. Asks for improvements result in the enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The core of that act are more comprehensive control of outside auditors, enhanced financial information disclosure, and more severe responsibility toward executive officers. On the other hand, though auditors inside the corporate are said to be an important, if not sole, governance mechanism of Taiwan’s corporate governance system, yet they haven’t functioned as they are expected. Accordingly, some scholars argue that to improve Taiwan’s corporate governance performance there should be America-style independent directors as well as Taiwan-style independent auditors. This argument overlooks the functional overlapping and substitute between independent auditor and directors, and is not suitable for Taiwan’s present system. To operate successfully, an independent director (or auditor) mechanism should include thres basic elements: independence, capability, and enough quantity to keep itself work in the board of directors. However, since listed companies are not forced to set up independent directors and auditors, the member of independent directors or auditors as a result are too few to be effective controlling mechanism. Accordingly, the objective of this thesis is to find out an workable governance mechanism for Taiwan’s corporate governance system. Chapter one gives the overview of the scope, approaches and limitations of this study. Chapter two discussed corporate governance definition, theory and issues. Chapter three to chapter four analyses the corporate governance development in the United States and Taiwan. Chapter five proposes a few suggestions for future developments of Taiwan’s corporate governance system as well as concludes this thesis.


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