  • 學位論文


The Theory of Planned Behavior and Body satisfaction for Predicting High School Student’s intention of regular exercise

指導教授 : 黃君瑜


研究目的 規律運動是重要健康行為之一,對青少年身、心發展亦有明顯助益。但就過去調查與研究結果均發現我國青少年明顯缺乏規律運動習慣,易造成青少年健康和社會醫療成本的損失,因此本研究認為提升青少年規律運動動機實為必要。計畫行為理論可有效探討個人行為意圖,對規律運動意圖亦具有良好解釋力,故本研究以此為主要架構,探討影響青少年規律運動意圖的因素。另身體滿意度為影響青少年規律運動動機之重要因素,因此本研究亦將此納入整體理論架構中,並檢驗此修正後之計畫行為理論對青少年規律運動意圖的解釋力是否有所提升。 研究方法 本研究以630名15-18歲高中生為研究對象,採用計畫行為理論之雙成分模式測量態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制及規律運動意圖,並以身體滿意度量表測量高中生之身體滿意度。而資料分析則使用皮爾森積差相關和階層多元迴歸分析等統計分析方式進行。 研究結果 本研究結果發現規律運動意圖與態度、情感性態度、工具性態度、主觀規範、強制性規範、描述性規範、知覺行為控制及身體滿意度均有顯著正相關。由迴歸分析結果可知整體理論模式中工具性態度、情感性態度、描述性規範及知覺行為控制皆可正向預測高中生規律運動意圖,而強制性規範和身體滿意度並無法顯著預測高中生的規律運動意圖,且修正後計畫行為理論模式無法有效提高對規律運動意圖之解釋力。 結論 我國高中生較易因運動帶來的正向感受或利益而從事規律運動;且當他們對從事規律運動有信心,並認為自己可以控制運動阻礙或促進因素時,其規律運動意圖也隨之提高。另當高中生周遭之重要他人對規律運動的參與度愈高,則他們的規律運動意圖也將提升。此外身體滿意度並不會對高中生規律運動意圖造成顯著影響,與過去研究結果有所出入,其間關係宜待未來研究探討。


Background and purpose Regular exercise is one of the important health behaviors, and is great helpful for development of adolescents. The past investigations found that the frequency of exercise of adolescents in Taiwan was insufficient. The condition would make great damage to the health of adolescents and increase the social cost on medical treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to promote adolescents’ motivation of regular exercise. The present research use the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to study the adolescents’ motivation of engaged in regular exercise, and also including body satisfaction into the TPB model. The research also examined the effect of the revised model to explain the intention of regular exercise of adolescents. Method The subjects participated in this study were 630 senior high school students(15-18 years old). The research used two-component model of TPB to measure attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control and the intention of regular exercise, and used body satisfaction scale to measure participators’ body satisfaction. The statical analysis included the Pearson’s product-moment correlation and hierarchical multiple regression. Results Intention of regular exercise was significantly positive related to attitude, affective and instrumental attitude, injunctive and descriptive norm, perceived behavior control and body satisfaction. The intention of regular exercise was positively predicted by instrumental and affective attitude, descriptive norm and perceived behavior control, but not by injunctive norm and body satisfaction. Then the revised TPB model could not enhance the variance of intention of regular exercise. Discussion The students prefer to exercise regularly due to their positive affections and benefits from participating in regular exercise. Their intention of regular exercise would be enhanced if they have confidence to exercise regularly, and believe they could control the obstructive or promotive factors for regular exercise by themselves. Furthermore, when the important others of these students participate more in regular exercise, the students’ intention of regular exercise would be promoted. Besides, body satisfaction did not influence intention of regular exercise of senior high school students. It is inconsistent with past studies, and the relationships between body satisfaction and regular exercise intention should be further studied in the future.




